Request to stop nerfing footfall

First off, hash and the others have no control over the shop owners so blaming them for high prices is ridiculous. Secondely, the price for the request baskets of oorts stones were agreed upon between ultima and portal seekers as a standard price before release. I haven’t checked the portal seeker baskets in forever but ultima has kept that price at 100c since that was what was agreed upon. Im not going reply anymore since it seems pointless and the conversation has deviated for the subject of this forum post.

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Yeah, it’s seems odd that this would even be an issue. People make hubs because people will use them and they know it will generate footfall. Seems… obvious. Almost like complaining people who opened shops are making money. Let’s get rid of stores!!! People are doing what they can to make money. We all find different ways.

People who put in the time, effort, or ingenuity, deserve to reap whatever rewards that provides. Those who can’t, don’t, or won’t, do not get those same rewards. Seems pretty simple.


Melodrama. Doesn’t matter what people say. They can buy and sell for whatever they choose. You’re now attacking the character of someone. Fact is, people are making money, and doing so within the fair mechanics of the game, that are available to everyone.

Yes, the argument is exactly like “I don’t want to put in the effort to keep a shop stocked and do price research so people actually buy / sell things there, so shop stands and request baskets should be removed from the game otherwise its unfair to me that shop owners are making a profit” :roll_eyes:

But to bring things somewhat back on topic, it seems like a particularly odd place to complain about portal hubs earning footfall, in the very thread where the mechanic was confirmed to be broken and the people that depend on it have barely gotten any coins (comparatively) in the last couple weeks due to that.

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I dunno. I buy things at my request baskets high. I used to buy them at the highest prices at what people were selling at shops for and selling forged tools better than anyone made at cheaper prices than anyone had. I don’t think you really go to Ultima as I am one of the leaders and have 0 footfall spots for it. I got a home that gets minimal like anyone else in the universe and you’re telling us that we do it for what, greed? We get no footfall, we have no real footfall trapping and you are over here, complaining like you always do that you don’t have things your way. Please try to put yourself in other’s positions for once. You are all over the forums demanding to the devs that YOUR WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY and that IT SHOULD BE LIKE THIS! EASIER FOR EVERYONE SINCE THIS IS A CREATIVE ONLY GAME. You are quite the troll around here and it’s rather annoying sifting through the complaints you leave on almost every post imaginable


We can’t control what most of the shops do. We can only have discussions with them, which we have done multiple times. Their prices have improved, and we can’t force them to certain prices. And most of Krafter’s Request baskets are at a good price. And I can personally vouch for my shop and Sere’s request basket store that the prices are quite high.

And the oortstone prices, other people do indeed buy for 150+. We don’t tell anyone they have to sell us their oort at 100, that is an option for those who are willing to help out.

Hash is on medical leave, Sere has a job, and I have a job. I’m a HomeCare Aide for a family member, so when i’m not doing stuff for them I have time to sit in the hub and help others.


That particular comment was not directed at you or your crew. It was meant as an admonition of others who don’t seem to understand how a free market economy works. The reference to “having a job” is more a reference to having a realistic veiwpoint when it comes how someone is compensated for their work.

To clarify my point: I greatly appreciate your portal network. Keep up the good work!

Ahh. Well the secret is out, Riley has no life and is always around :wink: