Request to stop nerfing footfall

It’s all about scaling. Solo players<Mom and Pop<Small Clan<Large Clan<Alliance

Heart is also a factor. A solo player with heart can be on par with a small clan. A small clan with heart can be indistinguishable from a large clan. Solo builds may generate a few hundred footfall per day. Mom & Pop or small clans a few thousand. A clan 10x larger is naturally gonna generate 10x more footfall - but they aren’t doing it solo. Ultima is what, roughly 5-10 core players? If they’re making 40,000 coins per day and the rest of us 600 that looks like a pretty solid corporate pyramid to me. And then you go sell your stuff to them and make 60,000/day.

For example, Bill Gates couldn’t make it on his own. Thus, Paul Allen.

Part of a successful business is finding others who share your vision and work ethic.

No one could make the PS Network on their own. They had to band together, cooperate and do so efficiently and before anyone else.

They are being rewarded for hard work, preparation and vision.


As they should.

In the age of participation trophies, I suppose the concept of being rewarded for effort more than for lack of effort starts to sound like such an alien concept. :roll_eyes:


Ohh! I want a trophy! We should all get a trophy. How about this: everyone gets a free portal network. Doesn’t cost the a dime to build, use, or maintain.

Oh wait…

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I wouldn’t be so sure. @Jeffrotheswell’s hub reigned for a long time in Early Access, until it didn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you have a concept for a hub that you think would do things better than the current hubs, then why not? Innovation is important too, and the already established hubs will often be set on their ways, not just because of inertia but because that’s what their users are already used to.

All it takes is a different network with some sort of innovation and they could lose their titles of top hubs eventually.

And of course, even if the competing hubs don’t take the top spot, competition is always healthy for any economy, including the services sector. If nothing else, more competition showing up would shake things up a bit and keep the existing hubs from getting complacent. :slight_smile:

Edit: (And keep 'em from getting too laggy, as well)


Ultima HQ isn’t run by a massive group of people. It’s 3 people with a 4th who barely plays.


So if 4 people are making 50,000 coins per day that is hardly game breaking.

I spend more than that daily and I’m a solo player. :stuck_out_tongue:

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3 core players. 4 if you include the one who rarely logs in :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve made 80k+ on my most productive days selling to baskets and such. Back when sweet beans were 100 coins.

I agree completely. Innovation on the layout or features also plays a huge role. My point is that material costs are not necessarily a bottleneck. One reason why the current networks are successful is that they are well known. All it takes is one new idea and someone can get just as successful. I applaud the efforts of these portal network builders and think it’s fantastic that they built something we all use. I hope they get fabulously rich from footfall!

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And that’s the long-term problem: the coins to fund those baskets (and to circulate in the economy) have to come from somewhere, and right now, that somewhere is footfall. There are no other alternatives in place for coins to enter the system.

Thus the need to fix footfall before the economy goes down the drain.
Or bring back daily server maintenance I suppose. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I wish we got rich from footfall to :frowning:

Just for the sake of curiosity, what is the cost to keep the planetary portals open? How many Oort Shards per hour? I just want to see what it would take to keep them open in case the footfall bug starts to squeeze a bit.

Actually, nevermind. I’ll just run through later and count portal/sizes and do the blinksec math. If this footfall issue starts to be a problem, you might want to consider blinksec optimization.

Here’s the chart:


Cost depends on portal size, rather than distance.

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Right, but size depends on distance. Consequently, there is a way to optimize by rearranging the topology of the network.

Also, optimization of an existing network should take into account the the opening vs operating cost, footfall per hour, market value of Oort Shards, and hunting proficiency of Oort Shards. There is also portal conduit cost, plot fueling cost, spark cost for refining the Oort, repair costs for machines, coils, and generators, etc.

And lastly there is the salary of the accountant to keep all this straight. :joy:

Depends on the network.

Some prefer to use minimum size portals, so not much to optimize there. Others tend to favor the aesthetic value of having all portals be the same size. :stuck_out_tongue:

After that it gets very complex. Is it better to have several small hops at minimum size portals or a few centralized hubs that split into smaller local portals, or a mix? How to circumvent ‘worlds full’ traffic jams?

Would more people use a network with more hops that is cheaper to maintain, or one with large portals that let 'em get across the galaxy in a couple hops?

I don’t envy all the work and thought (and math!) that the folks that design and maintain those networks have to go thru to figure those things out. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lol, I was just editing my post to say the same thing. Yep, it is a very complex endeavor.

then go ahead and build a hub network on ur own. spend tons of hours daily to maintain it and help ppl using it. gather resources to upkeep portals. do all requests evryday. solve problems, build infrastructure and earn this"public money" no one is holding you back. I am usually very passive on forums, but recently some jealous ppl are risign hell on my team which i dont like at all. we spent massive amounts of our free time for this game to develop this hub our city and all infrastructure just for one reason - for new players that were supposed to come to the game after its release. when new ppl were able to log in they already had 2 working hub networks for easy travels, to save their time and to help them get to the higher lv planets to gather resources easily, they already had shops from which they could buy items they coudnt craft themselves. that was the reason we started doing all that to help community. a lot of ppl who were playing in early access times knows us and they know that we were doing everything for community all the time. i dont care if u will be bitching on me but i wont stand idle when u are pouring falso info and accusations on my team. i dont have to defend myself, im sure a lot of ppl here will vote for what we are doing. ive given a lot of extra coins and items to random ppl who needed help. cause i could thanks to my and my team hard work over several months. so before u start tossing **** at somebody plz first think if your arguments have any power at all. thats all i wanted to say.


I want to agree with you. That you do it for the community, and to help people.

But there is more things against you, than there are supporting you.

I’ve been to Ultima HQ, multiple times, the town I’m in has a portal connecting to your hub. I’ve been to the shops around the hub, I’ve seen the Request Baskets, and so on.

You mention having shops for new players to buy items they can’t craft, but I constantly point out all the time that those shops are over priced. Krafters, the biggest shop right next across from the hub, sells every single item over priced, and has request baskets that are very under priced.

That isn’t helping new players, that’s ripping them off. Paying so little for their hard work, and taking what they sold you and selling it to the rich and lazy for a much higher price. And being so high priced, a new player isn’t going to be able to afford most of it. Same with A & J’s Shop next door as well.

Worse yet, being new players, they might not even know about Portal Seekers, or that there are many other smaller shops around the ‘galaxy’ that can pay more for their goods, and sell items cheaper. It sounds more and more like you’re just taking advantage of new players, not helping.

You say you’re not, but the prices of the shops in Ultima HQ say otherwise. Which is kinda the problem. You and @wolfpack2012 keep saying you’re doing good for the community, that most of the money goes to funding the portals, that you only see ‘got X amount of money across all toons each day’ (Which is still a lot of money each day) But actually going into the game, and inspecting the hub and the builds around it, says otherwise.

Even Request Baskets. Both you and Portal Seeker’s do this, but you always request Rough Oortstones for 100c. Where as every other place, big or small, (Unless they trying to rip people off with 1c) are usually higher at 120c-150c. The Portal Hubs are always the cheapest people requesting except the few trying to scam people.

And your shops are some of the most expencive, again with a few exceptions from dead shops trying to really rip people off, like one shop used to try and sell Iron Tools from 150c, to 500c, then down to 300c last I checked a week ago. A few exceptions, but not even close to 10% of the shops I’ve ever been to come close to how expencive the shops at Portal Hubs are.

And you’re goign to tell me that those high sell prices, and low reqest prices, are to help new people? Really? You say one thing, but actually in game evidence says otherwise.