[Resolved] Forum Issue: Cannot Edit

Hello wonderful people!

I seem to have a problem with editing my posts in a topic I’ve created:

I can access the editing buttons but when I hit save it reverts back to the old form. Any and all help would be appreciated dearly as I really want to finish this project!

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Hi Umajianu,

I’ve checked the limit of how much time you have to edit a post after making it, and it’s currently 6 months, so that can’t be your problem.
I’ve made a small test edit here;- https://forum.oortonline.com/t/a-mock-players-guide-to-oort/198/11?u=oortsimon
and that worked fine, so can you give me any more details about the problem you’re having? (i.e. which post your are trying to change, one of the big ones? Are you trying to make it even longer? Or are you just trying to add to one of the small placeholder ones?)

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The very first post, I am trying to rearrange the chapters as I have moved a section.

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Editing seems to be working now, thank you!

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To anyone who may encounter this issue in the future: when you edit your post, wait for the ‘Saved’ statement to appear in the lower right corner of the text input window before hitting ‘Save Edit.’

It saves lives.

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