[Resolved] Where is the Server "Civini"

On wednesday (18.4.) updates comes out, and some server dont come back.
I asked when the server are back ? Answer Tomorrow <- This was on 18.4. Evening, now is the 21.4.

So my Question again ^^

When the server “Civini” - EU Central comes back ?

I’m interesstes in this Topic too. When does Civini returns ?

A lot of servers have been up and down, It’ll come back, maybe not as timely as you would like, but it’ll be back.

I check every hour if the server is online XD
I hope the server is soon back…

As mentioned on https://forum.oortonline.com/t/missing-servers-eta/750 it should be back Monday, Sorry for the delay!

ok thx for the info than i wait ^^

It`s Monday Evening, the Server is still Offline…
I would try the new Items on my Buildings XD

Give it any new Information over the Server Civini or why its during so long ? ^^

Just guessing it the the same as this…

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It’s back up now! I’m grappling from the islands again :smiley:

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