Respec Potion - Once a big balance or change happens

I always loved one function about one game(Dofus) in particular and that was a respec potion you got when the game had a big update or change in balance, being one set of skills or weapons, attributes or the sort. For instance, let’s say that most players have spent their points and you decide to launch the atmosphere and many features, that will require players to skill some skills to be able to mine or hunt on ring planets effectively. At those points, spending cleanse points will be an arduous tasks, and I don’t consider cleanse points to be used on those occasions.

Say you did some balancing after 1.0, making some “broken” skill set or tool to be balanced, or introduced some new types of trees and many people wanted to be able to mine them effectively. Respecing at that time will be a nice option, players not willing to respec won’t have to, just players willing.

True, you could always create a new character and level up, and specialize him on that, but I think it will make old characters see less play, and many people won’t be willing to spend that much time.

The problem it could bring, would be players requiring a respec potion every single update (I mean post 1.0 players), begging and mobbing for it. As the devs you are, I don’t see you bending, but it could get annoying very fast.


It’s simple. Make it very clear that global respec pots are a one-off for major changes to the stattribute system, and will not be a common thing.

Edit: Better yet, auto-refund whatever skill/stat has been modified, and leave everything else be.

You’ll be surprised how many people choose things they don’t like to read. I know full well that’s a certain thing to be expressed with respec potions.

But complains arise, even when there’s no right for it.

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I think a one-off option for a re-spec would be a good idea when there is a major rebalance, or new skills are introduced - just make it abundantly clear that it’s a one-off optional choice to do it and that there’s no changing it after the fact.

For those that don’t like to read … well there was, of course, this comment from Ollie…

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Proceeds to facepalm himself and shamefully accept his mistakes.

It also seemed like Ollie suggestion was more so for people wanting to respec more than the ordinary, meaning simple cleanse points and the respec potion offered in major updates won’t be sufficient. Where a paid option would seem more understandable.

As for a major re balancing happening and players having to paid for said respec option seems like a bad idea to me, punishing players for spending their time and skills. The game mentioned before (Dofus) offered paid options for respecing a character, but also offered a free respec once the game had major updates or balances made, being able to appropriately customize a character for a new update without having to spend a single penny.


Omg a dofus fan! Too bad that game went to the pits and has terrible french support. Hopefully the community here remains and grows, because this game has potential.