Right portal in sanctuary

I updated my game checked out the new chat system and went to the sanctuary to get back to civilisation (live in a kind of secret place) and find out that the portal that slurped my 3×100c portal opening sacrifice didn’t work and that the progress bar was stuck at waiting for response.
Did anybody else experience this?

Yes, I have exactly the same problem. One of my alts currently stuck in Galan. Right sanctuary portal doesn’t work and neither can I get a temp warp from warp conduits to work.

Just stuck on the above for ever.

Could you both submit a log just after another attempt at interacting with the Warp Conduit in the sanctum please? Thanks.

Done (on PS4).

When you try to open the warps that fail are they all to Australian servers?
It seems to be timing out in the example sent in.

My test was for Flan (AUS) and it failed, also sent in a log for it. EU worlds I tried seem unaffected.

Just a note you don’t lose your coin until you actually walk through the warp. So you shouldn’t have lost any coin. Is that broken too?

1 Like

Didn’t check but it says cost 100c.
Expected it to directly take it away.

I didn’t check if I lost coin actually.

Yes, I’m in Galan, trying to warp to another place in Galan.

Had this same issue on Malurialakrib. (PS4)

Having that same issues on Houchus I. How do you send a log? chops logs, crosses fingers

edit: found it, and sent log

I have had similar issues.

I have since discovered that warps will only open to BEACONS and NOT LOCATIONS! I haven’t tried warping to a friend yet as none are online.

Devs…please fix :bowing_woman:t3:

Yep, seems to be an issue with warping to Locations specifically.

I tried 3 times to warp to a Location on Alcyon, then tried warping to a Warp Destination set by an augment instead which is nearby the Location I wanted to warp to. That’s when the warp worked, however it actually put me at the Location I originally intended to warp to.

Just did it again and was able to reproduce, submitted the game log.

  • Attempt to warp to a Location from the Sanctum
  • Warp does not connect (“Waiting for response…”)
  • Leave and re-enter Sanctum
  • Attempt to warp to a Warp Destination set on the same planet
  • Connection succeeds, but the actual destination is the Location from before

Not sure if it will always happen or if it’s because the Warp Destination happens to be close, or because of the altitude which I assume is irrelevant for Warp Destinations.

Anyway, the coordinates for the Location are -973N, -1139E (Altitude 255) and for the Warp Destination -1139N, -1226E.

still cant get past this

Unable to upload the log so isolating log post to where it fails.

full logs can be provided if details regarding where can be specified.

mid attempts:

[2019-01-15 19:40:51.108] [INFO]  Smashing portal
[2019-01-15 19:40:56.543] [WARN]  TimestampBoost changed for euc2_t1_0. was 0.250000, now 0.125000
[2019-01-15 19:40:58.437] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-10 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'euc2_t1_0' inactive
[2019-01-15 19:40:58.437] [INFO]  Discarding dstRequiredChunks, dst world no longer available
[2019-01-15 19:40:58.439] [INFO]  no active portal to world euc2_t1_0 disconnecting...
[2019-01-15 19:40:58.439] [INFO]  Destroying game world euc2_t1_0
[2019-01-15 19:40:58.439] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for euc2_t1_0
[2019-01-15 19:40:58.478] [INFO]  GET https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/gameserver/euc1_t1_0/62150
[2019-01-15 19:40:58.479] [INFO]  GET https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/gameserver/euc2_t0_1/62150
[2019-01-15 19:40:58.479] [INFO]  GET https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/gameserver/euc3_t0_0/62150
[2019-01-15 19:40:58.479] [INFO]  POST https://gs-live-euc2.playboundless.com/euc2_t0_0/api/planetdatamod
[2019-01-15 19:41:05.135] [INFO]  GET https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/distance/1383739063/2187039949/62150
[2019-01-15 19:41:05.135] [INFO]  POST https://gs-live-use1.playboundless.com/use1_t3_0/api/playercount
[2019-01-15 19:41:08.567] [INFO]  Falling meteorite id:8022022 effects added
[2019-01-15 19:41:08.567] [INFO]  ballEffectId 150 smokeEffectId 151 trailEffectId 152
[2019-01-15 19:41:11.355] [INFO]  got world data (euc2_t0_1) -> Refgar @ gs-live-euc2.playboundless.com websockURL=wss://gs-live-euc2.playboundless.com/euc2_t0_1/websocket/game apiURL=https://gs-live-euc2.playboundless.com/euc2_t0_1/api chunksURL=https://d2tk1vju2qz71l.cloudfront.net/euc2_t0_1/api/chunk planetsURL=https://gs-live-euc2.playboundless.com/euc2_t0_1/api/planet size=288
[2019-01-15 19:41:12.986] [INFO]  got world data (euc3_t0_0) -> Niia Zed Ka @ gs-live-euc3.playboundless.com websockURL=wss://gs-live-euc3.playboundless.com/euc3_t0_0/websocket/game apiURL=https://gs-live-euc3.playboundless.com/euc3_t0_0/api chunksURL=https://d2fuuc1161oopy.cloudfront.net/euc3_t0_0/api/chunk planetsURL=https://gs-live-euc3.playboundless.com/euc3_t0_0/api/planet size=288
[2019-01-15 19:41:16.183] [INFO]  GET https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/distance/2187039949/3007705776/62150
[2019-01-15 19:41:16.183] [INFO]  POST https://gs-live-euc2.playboundless.com/euc2_t0_0/api/playercount
[2019-01-15 19:41:18.211] [INFO]  got planet distance (1383739063, 2187039949) -> 4.000000 : eyJjaGFyYWN0ZXJJZCI6NjIxNTAsImRpc3RhbmNlIjo0LCJ3b3JsZE5hbWUxIjoidXNlMV90M18wIiwid29ybGROYW1lMiI6InVzdzFfdDNfMCJ9CgAAwG2OD9dBT6assCX4cvG+hJBwehlDQ7REchTHAkFKlhqJa4HHHZc=
[2019-01-15 19:41:20.771] [INFO]  GET https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/otherlocation/usw1_t3_0/use1_t3_0/62150
[2019-01-15 19:41:26.561] [INFO]  got planet distance (2187039949, 3007705776) -> 14.000000 : eyJjaGFyYWN0ZXJJZCI6NjIxNTAsImRpc3RhbmNlIjoxNCwid29ybGROYW1lMSI6InVzdzFfdDNfMCIsIndvcmxkTmFtZTIiOiJldWMyX3QwXzAifQoAAMBvjg/XQaJR9wPynScFa9DQWtiw8Ofa7NfER/x4z2lOsWCUNafL
[2019-01-15 19:41:28.563] [ERROR] failed to get world data (euc1_t1_0)
[2019-01-15 19:41:32.705] [INFO]  warpData: eyJhY3RpdmVXb3JsZCI6InVzdzFfdDNfMCIsImNoYXJhY3Rlckhhc2giOiJETCtYQWVXb0Q1cFVnNU0vSWRneDdJeWU0U1pBOEUrOEVwcmFDZG5BaHR3PSIsImNoYXJhY3RlcklkIjo2MjE1MCwid29ybGROYW1lIjoidXNlMV90M18wIn0KAADA4o0P10EuSW0UMARzRNgT7c4t8XTypGzimBEOPdeOyviyW0W6SA==
[2019-01-15 19:41:32.705] [INFO]  Created player start warp to world "use1_t3_0"
[2019-01-15 19:41:32.716] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-18 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'use1_t3_0' active
[2019-01-15 19:41:32.720] [INFO]  Initialised time limted events manager for world 
[2019-01-15 19:41:32.721] [INFO]  Connecting to 'use1_t3_0' with address 'wss://gs-live-use1.playboundless.com/use1_t3_0/websocket/game
[2019-01-15 19:41:33.266] [INFO]  WebSocket opened for use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:41:33.816] [WARN]  TimestampBoost changed for use1_t3_0. was 0.062500, now 0.375000
[2019-01-15 19:41:36.516] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for use1_t3_0 code=5 Illegal protocol message
[2019-01-15 19:41:41.517] [INFO]  no active portal to world use1_t3_0 disconnecting...
[2019-01-15 19:41:41.517] [INFO]  Destroying game world use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:41:41.517] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for use1_t3_0 code=5 Illegal protocol message
[2019-01-15 19:41:41.517] [INFO]  ExpireOtherWarp : Failed to send message, server down?
[2019-01-15 19:41:41.534] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-18 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'use1_t3_0' inactive
[2019-01-15 19:41:41.536] [INFO]  ..\..\src\browserfeatures\httprequest.cpp:1205 (turbulenz::HttpRequest::Abort) Aborting HTTP request: https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/visible/standard/62150/use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:41:53.149] [INFO]  Stop emitting falling meteorite effects id:8022022
[2019-01-15 19:41:53.149] [INFO]  sceneNode: 0000025323596340 ballEffectId: 150 alive 1 shuttingDown 0 smokeEffect: 151 alive 1 shuttingDown 0 trailEffect: 152 alive 1 shuttingDown 0
[2019-01-15 19:42:23.182] [INFO]  Falling meteorite entity removed id:8022022
[2019-01-15 19:42:23.182] [INFO]  SceneNode destroyed for falling meteorite entity id:8022022
[2019-01-15 19:42:33.153] [INFO]  POST https://gs-live-use1.playboundless.com/use1_t3_0/api/playercount
[2019-01-15 19:42:34.038] [INFO]  GET https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/otherlocation/usw1_t3_0/use1_t3_0/62150
[2019-01-15 19:42:44.952] [INFO]  warpData: eyJhY3RpdmVXb3JsZCI6InVzdzFfdDNfMCIsImNoYXJhY3Rlckhhc2giOiJETCtYQWVXb0Q1cFVnNU0vSWRneDdJeWU0U1pBOEUrOEVwcmFDZG5BaHR3PSIsImNoYXJhY3RlcklkIjo2MjE1MCwid29ybGROYW1lIjoidXNlMV90M18wIn0KAADA9I0P10F1ZrLKuqGmuJmRN/MaUc0jZD4BFsAJozo9s0IRuzLj/w==
[2019-01-15 19:42:44.953] [INFO]  Created player start warp to world "use1_t3_0"
[2019-01-15 19:42:44.966] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-22 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'use1_t3_0' active
[2019-01-15 19:42:44.970] [INFO]  Initialised time limted events manager for world 
[2019-01-15 19:42:44.970] [INFO]  Connecting to 'use1_t3_0' with address 'wss://gs-live-use1.playboundless.com/use1_t3_0/websocket/game
[2019-01-15 19:42:45.499] [INFO]  WebSocket opened for use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:42:46.082] [WARN]  TimestampBoost changed for use1_t3_0. was 0.062500, now 0.375000
[2019-01-15 19:42:48.766] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for use1_t3_0 code=5 Illegal protocol message
[2019-01-15 19:42:53.767] [INFO]  no active portal to world use1_t3_0 disconnecting...
[2019-01-15 19:42:53.767] [INFO]  Destroying game world use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:42:53.767] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for use1_t3_0 code=5 Illegal protocol message
[2019-01-15 19:42:53.767] [INFO]  ExpireOtherWarp : Failed to send message, server down?
[2019-01-15 19:42:53.784] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-22 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'use1_t3_0' inactive
[2019-01-15 19:42:53.785] [INFO]  ..\..\src\browserfeatures\httprequest.cpp:1205 (turbulenz::HttpRequest::Abort) Aborting HTTP request: https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/visible/standard/62150/use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:44:19.400] [INFO]  Writing config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\1292262\324510\local\user_settings\default\backupgameoptions.json
[2019-01-15 19:44:34.633] [INFO]  Writing config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\1292262\324510\local\user_settings\default\backupgameoptions.json
[2019-01-15 19:44:41.151] [INFO]  POST https://gs-live-use1.playboundless.com/use1_t3_0/api/playercount
[2019-01-15 19:44:42.227] [INFO]  GET https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/otherlocation/usw1_t3_0/use1_t3_0/62150
[2019-01-15 19:44:42.421] [INFO]  warpData: eyJhY3RpdmVXb3JsZCI6InVzdzFfdDNfMCIsImNoYXJhY3Rlckhhc2giOiJETCtYQWVXb0Q1cFVnNU0vSWRneDdJeWU0U1pBOEUrOEVwcmFDZG5BaHR3PSIsImNoYXJhY3RlcklkIjo2MjE1MCwid29ybGROYW1lIjoidXNlMV90M18wIn0KAABAEo4P10EYdd3pNjEvgq15GQ/Tn8lyjL9QQGYMifcWyCf24TXWuA==
[2019-01-15 19:44:42.421] [INFO]  Created player start warp to world "use1_t3_0"
[2019-01-15 19:44:42.432] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-26 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'use1_t3_0' active
[2019-01-15 19:44:42.435] [INFO]  Initialised time limted events manager for world 
[2019-01-15 19:44:42.436] [INFO]  Connecting to 'use1_t3_0' with address 'wss://gs-live-use1.playboundless.com/use1_t3_0/websocket/game
[2019-01-15 19:44:42.965] [INFO]  WebSocket opened for use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:44:43.498] [WARN]  TimestampBoost changed for use1_t3_0. was 0.062500, now 0.375000
[2019-01-15 19:44:46.182] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for use1_t3_0 code=5 Illegal protocol message
[2019-01-15 19:44:51.182] [INFO]  no active portal to world use1_t3_0 disconnecting...
[2019-01-15 19:44:51.182] [INFO]  Destroying game world use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:44:51.182] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for use1_t3_0 code=5 Illegal protocol message
[2019-01-15 19:44:51.182] [INFO]  ExpireOtherWarp : Failed to send message, server down?
[2019-01-15 19:44:51.200] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-26 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'use1_t3_0' inactive
[2019-01-15 19:44:56.202] [INFO]  GET https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/otherlocation/usw1_t3_0/use1_t3_0/62150
[2019-01-15 19:45:10.442] [INFO]  warpData: eyJhY3RpdmVXb3JsZCI6InVzdzFfdDNfMCIsImNoYXJhY3Rlckhhc2giOiJETCtYQWVXb0Q1cFVnNU0vSWRneDdJeWU0U1pBOEUrOEVwcmFDZG5BaHR3PSIsImNoYXJhY3RlcklkIjo2MjE1MCwid29ybGROYW1lIjoidXNlMV90M18wIn0KAABAGY4P10Hvm1HEhwMpN4IOTWKfOCP3/V8ex2s9CqfLWJ+cjk0g7A==
[2019-01-15 19:45:10.442] [INFO]  Created player start warp to world "use1_t3_0"
[2019-01-15 19:45:10.449] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-30 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'use1_t3_0' active
[2019-01-15 19:45:10.452] [INFO]  Initialised time limted events manager for world 
[2019-01-15 19:45:10.452] [INFO]  Connecting to 'use1_t3_0' with address 'wss://gs-live-use1.playboundless.com/use1_t3_0/websocket/game
[2019-01-15 19:45:10.998] [INFO]  WebSocket opened for use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:45:11.199] [INFO]  Falling meteorite id:8014001 effects added
[2019-01-15 19:45:11.199] [INFO]  ballEffectId 1 smokeEffectId 2 trailEffectId 3
[2019-01-15 19:45:11.565] [WARN]  TimestampBoost changed for use1_t3_0. was 0.062500, now 0.375000
[2019-01-15 19:45:14.248] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for use1_t3_0 code=5 Illegal protocol message
[2019-01-15 19:45:19.249] [INFO]  no active portal to world use1_t3_0 disconnecting...
[2019-01-15 19:45:19.249] [INFO]  Destroying game world use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:45:19.249] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for use1_t3_0 code=5 Illegal protocol message
[2019-01-15 19:45:19.249] [INFO]  ExpireOtherWarp : Failed to send message, server down?
[2019-01-15 19:45:19.249] [INFO]  Falling meteorite entity removed id:8014001
[2019-01-15 19:45:19.250] [INFO]  SceneNode destroyed for falling meteorite entity id:8014001
[2019-01-15 19:45:19.266] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-30 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'use1_t3_0' inactive
[2019-01-15 19:45:19.268] [INFO]  ..\..\src\browserfeatures\httprequest.cpp:1205 (turbulenz::HttpRequest::Abort) Aborting HTTP request: https://ds.playboundless.com:8902/visible/standard/62150/use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:46:24.587] [INFO]  Writing config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\1292262\324510\local\user_settings\default\backupcontrols.json
[2019-01-15 19:48:00.681] [INFO]  Writing config file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\1292262\324510\local\user_settings\default\backupcontrols.json
[2019-01-15 19:55:24.513] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-10 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'use1_t3_0' active
[2019-01-15 19:55:24.517] [INFO]  Initialised time limted events manager for world 
[2019-01-15 19:55:24.518] [INFO]  Connecting to 'use1_t3_0' with address 'wss://gs-live-use1.playboundless.com/use1_t3_0/websocket/game
[2019-01-15 19:55:25.062] [INFO]  WebSocket opened for use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:55:25.629] [WARN]  TimestampBoost changed for use1_t3_0. was 0.062500, now 0.375000
[2019-01-15 19:55:28.329] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for use1_t3_0 code=5 Illegal protocol message
[2019-01-15 19:55:33.330] [INFO]  no active portal to world use1_t3_0 disconnecting...
[2019-01-15 19:55:33.330] [INFO]  Destroying game world use1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:55:33.330] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for use1_t3_0 code=5 Illegal protocol message
[2019-01-15 19:55:33.330] [INFO]  ExpireOtherWarp : Failed to send message, server down?
[2019-01-15 19:55:33.347] [INFO]  [runtimeplayerstartworld] making portal 'id:-10 + WarpSrc_playerstart_other'to 'use1_t3_0' inactive
[2019-01-15 19:55:36.333] [INFO]  ..\..\src\appbase\applicationbase.cpp:107 (turbulenz::ApplicationBase::Shutdown) Shutting down app ...
[2019-01-15 19:55:36.344] [INFO]  Destroying game world usw1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:55:36.344] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for usw1_t3_0
[2019-01-15 19:55:36.344] [INFO]  Unreferencing dstRequiredChunks from source world during destruction of dst
[2019-01-15 19:55:36.345] [INFO]  Destroying game world runtimeplayerstartworld
[2019-01-15 19:55:36.345] [INFO]  WebSocket closed for runtimeplayerstartworld
[2019-01-15 19:55:36.345] [INFO]  Active game world websocket closed
[2019-01-15 19:55:36.345] [INFO]  Player entity removed in world runtimeplayerstartworld with id id:1

and this is the final log before client disconnect.

Any estimate on when this will be fixed?

as per known issues thread, already fixed locally so will be in next hot fix.

You are either up really late or up really early or you transferred yourself to a computer?

I’m based in Japan