River Town needs Help!

Hello dear Boundless Community!

I play the game since PS4 release! I’m one of the founders of River Town and have already invested hundreds of Euros in this game - I am a VIP member and I think you have to support this game!

But now comes the complaint:

In River Town there is a player - The plots with his tries to harm the city! He places them in such a way that you can no longer build roads - without reason, 38 plots are drawn in a line, so that other players can not connect to the city anymore!

we residents of River Town report these beacons every day but nothing happens!

Why? In River Town live residents who love and financially support this game - newcomers are always helped and it is generally a city that holds together!

is not this the purpose of the game? Are there no rules that prevent you from placing plots in a row without planning, so that you disturb others while building?

I lose my appetite for this game when other players can hurt us so much! I ask and implore you to help River Town and its city dwellers!

Sincerely, Akuji / Strykey

Sorry For my Bad english!

In German:

Hallo liebe Boundless Community!

Ich spiele das Spiel seit PS4 release! ich bin einer der Gründer von River Town und habe schon etliche hunderte Euros in dieses Spiel investiert - Bin VIP Mitglied und finde, dass man dieses Spiel unterstützen muss!

Jetzt kommt aber die beschwerde:

In River Town gibt es einen Spieler - Der mit seinen Plots versucht der Stadt zu schaden! Er platziert sie so hin, dass man keine Straßen mehr bauen kann - ohne Grund werden 38 Plots in einer Linie gezogen, damit andere Spieler sich nicht mehr an die Stadt anschließen können!

wir Bewohner von River Town melden diese Leuchtfeuer jeden Tag aber es passiert NICHTS!

Warum? In River Town leben Bewohner, die dieses Spiel lieben und finanziell unterstützen - Neulingen wird immer geholfen und es ist allgemein eine Stadt, die zusammenhält!

ist dieses nicht der Sinn des Spieles? Gibt es keine Regeln die verhindern, dass man planlos Plots in einer Reihe setzen kann, damit man andere beim Bauen stört?

ich verliere meine Lust an diesem Spiel, wenn andere Spieler uns so extrem schaden können! Ich bitte und flehe euch an: Helft River Town und seinen Stadtbewohnern!

Mit freundlichen grüßen: Akuji / Strykey


Heyo Akuji, I feel your pain but naming players on the forum is against the code of conduct. Can you edit your post?

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I’m sorry to tell you that i find ht inapropriate that we should help you because your team invested money in a game that they like to play.
The community cannot help you either since we dont hold the rights to remove beacons.

What you can do is report the beacon for the reason you find it disturbing. In case you dont feel answered you can try to contact the support of boundless aswell. I recommend you to let the other people who are disturbed be this beacon to do the same.

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I do not understand why so many towns build so tightly… the town I have built (Axon) is spread out like a vines in most every direction…always an avenue for expansion…and WHERE is the massive parks? Lakes? Many towns forget about this until they have a NYC without Central Park… Axon’s Central district contains a large lake (hand constructed), a large public square for statues and displays, and a large park (not quite done being constructed)…it helps that the city center IS in the center of a large great lake lol…

Advice: New and Old cities…spread out tendrils even if you never make use of them…because the whole “getting boxed in” issue is very difficult to “escape” later.


Have you tried speaking to this player?
Try to put your case calmly to them, discuses the situation and try reach a compromise.

I’m sure you’ve already tried but worth pointing out.

They need plots to claim areas in advance though. Some players are too new :<


i know i ran big town off the beta and people build close to outskirts off a town to use the towns portals and shops and then complain when the town expands cause they end up in town 80procent off people complaining did it to them self for this reason i mentioned

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thats why if you run longer roads out of town it sorta of forces people to build from the roads and away on each side… of course random people can do random things…plus the griefers!

also noticed if i build a town with roads that you need to get that roads first off all cause people that join are magnet to center portals and completely ignore that towns need space to add roads lol i made the arte intera town and each newcomer managed to completly ignore my roads and build around our spleef arena thats next to the hub forcing me to even knock down decorative walls(i blame myself)
had to contact one owner to let me pass road to my towns hub lol you also need to reserve housing areas around ya town center cause its super annoying to have to build town interactive stuff away from your own center
people never gonna change and always will plot as close as possible to town center ignoring the provided infrastructure
they ignore layout and just want a straight line to the biggest portal from there base no Mather what they blocking

any new person planning a town should keep a center off 25 by25 plots completely plotted and at-least 4 longroads leading into it before inviting people to join i would even advice to keep the town offline (no portals) until you own what ya need to own to make it a succes


Honestly, can’t do much about it, I’m sorry. Maybe if you start building the opposite way, they’ll see that it doesn’t get you upset anymore and they might just move on? Just putting ideas out there.

Ehrlich gesagt, kann nicht viel dagegen tun, es tut mir leid!

Wenn du anfeines gehst, wenn du den umgekahrten(?) weg baust, werden sie sehen, dass es dich nicht mehr aufregt und sie sich vielleicht einfach weiter bewegan?

Idien einfach rauslegen.

Delet the Name!

If a player is plotting with the only intention of blocking other players - then please PM me the exact coordinates and world and I’ll take a look.

Claiming land to build on - is ok.
Claiming land to only grief another player is not.


There are a Lots of stupid Plots with no sense … damagekai can Show u the Plots! :slight_smile: iam at work atm :frowning:

Dmgkai is DarthPain - but i will Send u the exact coordinates at the late evening!

Sorry For.my Bad english! I try to do my best!

Hi! How do you distinguish one from the other? My friend has been writing complaints for months and doesn’t get an answer :disappointed_relieved: Some player put a two beacons right above friend’s house, where he wanted to continue built and now we can’t continue the conceived idea :sleepy: We also see that this beacons is refueling :sob:

So claiming land where nothing gets build on is an reason to report beacons?
I know people plot in advance or just dont want the area terraformed.

But there are plenty of places where stuff get plotted with the intention to gain footfall i suppose.

Here are some who just do not want to understand what’s happening there! maybe these people should first take a look for themselves before they make any clever sayings here! I try to explain it with my bad english:

This person claims a plot just to build nothing - she wants to disturb other players and hamper her city! this has nothing to do with terraforming or planning!

she does not live in this city, but in another who intended to become capital, but did not make it!

she randomly plots where one street should end at another! Make 30 beacons and more in one direction without building anything! She plots a plot and builds 2-3 rows of sand, earth, stone and wood up to the sky, hoping to make the city look uglier and hoping that no new settlers will be drawn!

This is not about someone who wants to belong! we help this new player where we can! Is this really that hard to understand? please give me your coordinates of your city! I have nearly four thousand plots and I like to show you what she does with us!

you will feel as terrible as we do! This person just wants to do harm and enjoys disrupting other players!

Your description is what I would call griefing and you should report these beacons to the devs, they may not agree, but there we are.

I feel your pain and hope the best in this getting resolved for you and your settlement.
That being said the above quoted section is honestly unneeded and could end up causing more issues for you.
Just trying to watch out for a fellow gamer and community member.

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I do not speak good english and use a translator! I was probably misunderstood! I mean that I can show how something looks like in the end! I would do everything afterwards! is it so much better to understand? I really hope so :slight_smile:

Ich denke mal dass es Spieler von anderen Städten sind, die Angst haben das ihr sie im Prestige überholt oder sie machen es um euch schneller ein holen zu können. - Warum der Support nicht reagiert, wenn ihr die Leuchtfeuer meldet? - Nun ganz einfach… es ist zwar unter aller Sau, dieses Verhalten, aber leider erlaubt.

I think they are players from other cities who are afraid of overtaking them in prestige or they are doing it to get you faster. - Why the support does not react when you report the beacons? - Well, quite simply … it is under all sow, this behavior, but unfortunately allowed.