Rivers (World Builder)

I’ve just built a pretty customizable rivers node that I think people will find handy. (Another piece of Kovah brought over and upgraded).

If you want to use rivers in your own worlds, you can check out the configs via GitHub, or download them as a zip. Once you place them in WB’s config directory, they should show up in the menu under 2D noise.

I’ve broken the nodes into “Rivers” (advanced) and “Rivers - Standard” (easymode). Here’s a quick rundown of their settings:

Rivers - Standard (2D Noise)

terrain: This is a heightmap that is used where there are no rivers; your main terrain.
river depth: Play with this value to modify the height of the riverbed.
river thickness: Controls how wide the generated rivers are.
edge smoothing: Controls how smooth/sharp the transition between river and your terrain is.

Rivers (2D Noise)

(advanced mode). This exposes some additional settings beyond “Rivers - Standard”:

function: The underlying function used to generate rivers. Simplex is used for “Rivers - Standard”.
river distortion: Controls how much distortion is applied to the rivers (e.g. snakiness).
riverbed: A heightmap used for the riverbed.
riverbed scale: Scales the riverbed heightmap vertically.

Using it in a world

Generally, you’ll want to hook the Rivers nodes up to the heightmap of a biome. The minY & maxY of the biome’s heightmap apply to the terrain you supply to the Rivers node. From there, just start playing with sliders!

Note that river depth applies beyond the minY of your heightmap. A river depth of 0.0 means the riverbed should be at exactly your minY. A river depth of 1.0 means the riverbed should be as deep as the biome’s heightmap is tall.


You can do some fun things with this node; for example:

Ribbon mountains!

Drop the river thickness, and you’ve got some fun islands:

Big windy rivers with hex cells in the riverbed? sure, why not:


That looks awesome

Excellent work!

Very nice, i have to learn that tool.
Last one look like floating ice in a polar environment.

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@nevir, I imagine you’re on your way to become our resident world builder, for when we need them for 1.0 :grin: