Posing potential solutions before the root problem is clear may or may not serve to stimulate productive discussion. In this case it’s unlikely, admittedly my opinion.
there’s another aspect to the issue, and I’m going to borrow a quote from another player in a similarly derailed thread, to express it.
So far each thread or conversation I’ve tried to participate in discussing why this blew up into an upset of this proportion has been derailed by this activity.
It’s often people who are frustrated and posting in whatever thread happens to be open. It’s frequently someone browsing several related threads and replying to the wrong one.
In my experience it’s mostly people who are afraid they won’t be heard in a ‘crowded’ thread looking for an alternative output, and white knights trying to re-frame the discussion for some sort of social currency. I don’t mean to be vague. Fanbois kissing ass.
These are attempts, typically, to terminate any root cause analysis and push forward into “like it or lump it” mode.
In any case the signal to noise ratio on this topic (referencing any or all of several relevant threads) has been very nearly useless.