Rose gleam location

For anyone still needing Rose gleam. My brother dug almost 9000 from this location before regening.


thank you so much for sharing, it is really awesome spot :slight_smile:
and hard to find, it is hidden underneath ice and glacier in the water :smiley:

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That’s an insane spot!

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What world is it off of?

The exo is off of delta

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I couldn’t find it :sleepy: and i went to ur part

Are you on the game now?

Hi yes i am

I am on the exo at the gleam now I can meet you on Delta shortly to set a location if you’d like

Im on exo too

I will stay at the gleam then if you want to run to me. I’m not seeing anyone on world.

Same here cant see any1

Think i found u

My characters name is andromeda

Is rose gleam still locked?

Add far as I know rose gleam is a Valentine’s Day exo exclusive

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I compiled a small list: PSA: New Gleam colours I hope I didn’t miss anything :laughing:

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if anyone else struggle to fing gleam at this given location - just dig dig dig its under layers of ice and glacier and water streams, it is a gleamball hidden inside rock layers

I went to the location and it wasn’t there , the person showed me where it was and it wasnt where they said it was in the first place , but thanx to that person for showing me

its underground, huge gleamball

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