Add the ability to make sack bags with colors below for example for recipes also sacks can be added in inventory that do not stack at all. but it can be added in hand and used to open it. also they can be named too so they can assigned names to them for items that inside.
resources recipes that should be added with machine that can be used to make them.
Gleam dust color on gleam dust based on what gleam used to make it : Extractor machine is best for this 3 gleam per 1 dust 23 for 10 gleam dust 63 for 50 gleam dust
Compact gleam dust color on compact gleam dust based on what gleam dust used to make it dust Uses gleam dust to make : compactor best machine for this gleam dust 3, 1 glue for 1 compact gleam dust :
gleam dust 23 , 8 glue for 10 compact gleam dust : gleam dust 63, 25 glue for 50 compact gleam dust
sizes of sacks
Minor 8 slots sap, leather, Gleam dust
Improved 16 slots glue, leather, Gleam dust
Greater 24 slots Bonding agent, Hard Leather, Compact Gleam dust
Super 32 slots Enriched Bonding Agent, Hard Leather, Compact Gleam dust
Mega 40 slots Super-Enriched Bonding Agent, Hard Leather, Compact Gleam dust
Everything above is a suggestion but will be great to see new supplies resources with these bags also will be more great idea for making them.