I’ve recently come into a shipment of ATCs and need to get rid of them as quick as possible. First come, first serve (the plinths won’t allow anything else). While the normal price in the Therka Market is at least 600 coins, I will take 450 if you can take them now. While you’re here, take a look at my affordably priced hammers and shovels before you head out on your next mining adventure. Don’t forget to come sell me any ores you find!
As always, you can find me at the eastern end of the Therka Market inside the big tree.
Sadly, no. I’ve collected a lot of copper at that price. This has allowed me to lower my prices on copper tools to 75 coins instead of the 100 I’d planned. Is copper that much more common than I thought?
Is there anything that people buy on a regular basis, or rare things that anyone needs? I’ve been popping around the other planets, and I’m running low on coin.
I will gladly pay you 21 for extracts. I’m at work right now, but when I get home I’ll set up a plinth for that. I’ll shoot you a message when it’s ready.