
will boundless ever have a sale? or something

Maybe in the future but at least until 1.0 I would say no.

lol there goes my hope to get Wayfarer for like 50 or 30. while im talking how does it work if you upgrade a pack like from a adventurer to a Wayfarer do i need to pay less money?

You only have to pay the difference.

lol nice imma try to do this to my parents so i can get a pack and they think it is a sale

I don’t know about your situation and I don’t want to sound like judgy jason but you shouldn’t lie to your parents over something like a game.
Christmas is near too so why not wish for an upgrade?

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i dont have the game yet i will get it for christmass the adventure pack i dont lie it is just a smarter way to say mum dad can you buy this game again il say it is a dlc on sale

Hey, do what you think is best. I just wouldn’t pseudo lie anyway^^ And technically there IS a DLC on steam. I just can’t remember which tier it represents.

i aint buying game on steam. h yeah greate question how do i download the game when i buy it on site do i get steam code or something?

You should get an email with a steam key, yes.

okay i just needed to know tanks mate once again

i got a question for ya if ya know on adventurer does it says 2,154 supporters and on Wayfarer it says 4,087 left of 5,000 why does it say that do it mean adventurer is sold out?

No I think that means adventurer is not limited but everything above is.

oh okay now i know everything

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