Sanctum - With jump feat, you can get stuck

When I started the game back in beta, I had often wondered if there was a better vantage point so I could see all the planets. I don’t know why I never tried it, because I have had that jump feat for… basically forever… but today I decided to try to jump to that better vantage. I fact, I was able to get to the top of that very high point behind whats-his-face sanctum guardian. Anyways, to my dismay, the universe was not a star filled as i had imagined (black void-like bottom section when above the visible horizon).

While exploring, I saw what I interpreted to be a giant ocean of water underneath the sanctum. Enjoying swimming both in real life, and inside the game, I decided to dive down for a dip. This is where things get interesting.

Soon after falling, I realized I was not in water, but in fact I was standing on ‘core’. I walked around for a while underneath the sanctum building. I really appreciate how things are built, and seeing the ‘behind the scenes’ view of the building was interesting, and informative. I may incorporate some of that in my designs. Anyways, I looked out at the now black horizon, and realized that even this new found ‘core’ eventually comes to an end. Curiously, I decided to find out what was through this next rabbit hole.

I ran to the edge, and looked down. Sure enough, more ocean, obviously bigger than the first tier. Wanting to get wet, so I grabbed my floaties and I jumped down into this new giant ocean. Ugh…

No water… again. More core was my prize. The only real consolation at this point, is that I fell quite a distance, and took no damage which I was pretty grateful for, since the fall would have been absolutely fatal.

I explored this new domain. For those of you who didn’t know, the sanctum rests on the core of a cubical planet. This cube of core is so massive, that even with my awesome jump feat, there was no way I could mount even a significant fraction of the distance it took to get to the top.

So I was stuck. I started to explore. As it turns out, this second tier of core ocean has a limited distance too; however, it is also fraught with ‘invisible walls’, which simply have no place in any seemless universe. Thus I could not proceed to the probable third tier of core ocean that exists below.

By this time, you are probably asking yourself “why the hell did I read all of this?” Well the answer is so that you can understand what lead up to me finding a new place you can get stuck in this amazing game. My grand sanctum adventure came to a grinding halt at the second tier of core.

Thinking back however, I admit that my adventure was doomed from the moment I decided to go for a swim. Even on that first tier of core, there is no way to return to the top of the sanctum, at least that I could find. I walked around for a few minutes and realized that I was completely stuck, and had no other recourse but to file a support request.

Originally, this request was going to be informing you that I absolutely got stuck in the sanctum and could not get out, and would need a GM to get involved. A little frustrated, I logged into an alt, and did a couple things to clear my head. Then, I logged back in to my original character who got stuck in the sanctum. To my surprise, my toon had been returned to the top of the sanctum, as if he had never seen the makings of the universe.

So why did I write all of this. Well, I think this whole thing could be solved if you just increase the top layer of the sanctum, to be 4 blocks tall instead of 3. That would prevent people with the jump feat from being able to just fall into oblivion. Another alternative, which is probably simpler, is to place a permanent portal at the bottom, to a warp location at the top. Make it a one-way portal, like the warp blocks create. While it was good to find out that I can log out and then back in to solve the problem, it was still pretty frustrating in the moment that I could not return to the top, and that I was not told that I could reset the sanctum by logging out then in. And in thinking about it, a possibly simpler solution could be to simply pop a notification, similar to the tutorial notifications, which says that you can log out and back in to solve the problem.

In any event, I had fun exploring, and meeting the man behind the curtain. Thanks for creating such a great game, and I cannot wait to see how far this thing goes.


At any point were you able to re-use your tools?

Negative. No tool use allowed in all of the exploreable Sanctum. Even when backstage.

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This is known issue.

The sanctum actually has a complete redesign / overhaul in the works, but when we will see the new version is, as yet, unknown.