Yeas its a bug but as i was fueling last.
It got me thinking:
- sand particles seem to follow the weather rules. Go in or beneath build and the weather stays outside (like the rain).
- the thick clouds here and there kind of feel like waves of sandy winds.
Not a lot of points granted but it fits in my mind way better on “dry” locations on our worlds.
Im based on Lamblis and the sand storm (bug) is kind of fitting. More so than the rain and the snow is when in the middle of a lava lake or a dessert.
When weather gets an add-on/fix/overhaul (what ever😉) i would like to see this added to the cycle instead of snow or rain (for example) depending on your location in the world.
Dusty winds and little piles (a film of sand like the snow does) of sand covering the build. The sand following the color of the world palette of course.
Just saying it would make more sense to have sand storms in a dessert or on a lava lake. Then there would be snow (to hot for it).
Again yes it is a bug atm but it would be a cool add on and bound to world location.
Feel free to add your own two cents to this suggestion. But keep in mind im talking about a “better version” then the sand bug we have now.
(Add, debate and suggest but keep it friendly😉)