Sandbox Creature Ideas

Cool idea bro, I like it! :blush:

I would also like to see some kind of ranged fighter, a creature that would shoot fireballs or something like that at you, with it’s only weakness being close combat, requiring you to dodge, duck and weave just to get close enough.

What a massive post. I tried to read through all of it, but I got stuck right in the beginning. Activating an object or creature or animal by simply looking at it or addressing it via aim-thingy without having to click is verrry interesting. It allows to catch glimpses of the environment. Schemes of interest which the environment throws at the avatar. Next level would be to click/press button. Resulting in an interaction depending on whatever the char is holding in its hands. Nevertheless only looking at an environmental object (animal, char, prop, rock) could cause in some sort of effect or reaction, which the player has to interpret, or ignore. There could be a seemingly uninteresting object, and by looking at it starts to play a tune, humms, jingles, or sais mruoar.


Let me introduce everyone to the beautiful cameleon! They change into every color under the rainbow.


  • Camouflage experts. Players may inadvertently approach one and suffer greatly at close range.
  • When crossing blocks with colors that are currently on the cameleon’s skin, they move 25% faster.


  • When they cross blocks that have different colors than currently on the chameleon skin, they move 25% slower and slowly change colors to match.


  • When they cross blocks that have a mix of colors where some, but not all are currently on the chameleon skin, they move at normal speed.

When stationary, forced or otherwise, they will change colors to match.


I also quite like the idea but it´s basically 1:1 the behavior of an Enderman from Minecraft (the peripheral vision part, not the invisibility).

How about the exact opposite?
A creature that doesn’t attack as long as you directly look at it. To make this a challanging feature the creature could dash around constantly when you are looking at it.

Not at all. Besides that the creature bokke proposed attackes you all the time, an Enderman is only aggroed if you look directly at him. If I remember correctly it was even only a part of his body that triggered it. So there’s nothing peripheral about that.

But your idea is interesting too.

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Small creatures:

A creature that disguises itself as flora when you look at it, so you have to sneak around behind it and wait for it to peek out. (alternate rock version)

A creature that curls into a defensive ball that can be kicked around, so you have to break it open.

A florescent cave creature that hangs similar to a bat that spread their wings and illuminate them when potential threats approach.

A bug like creature that latches on to you and can be knocked off by jumping.

A creature that will grab food out of your inventory

A meerkat like creature that pops out of the ground and will throw pebbles at you. Can only be killed from a distance.

A flying creature that swarms and dive bombs you so you have to hit them as they dive you.

Medium Creatures:

A flying creature that will swoop into water and eat fish creatures

A creature that will follow you around if you have food in your inventory

A crab creature that will contract similar to a turtle creating a rock like shell. Can be flipped over revealing its vulnerable underside.

A creature that travels in packs attacking other creatures and lone players.

A marine creature that floats and can be walked on.

A cave creature that will attack players but can be blinded by a light source

Large Creatures:

A spider like creature that will create a web across cave entrances

A tall long legged creature that has to be knocked down to hit its body.

A creature that tries to attack with its tongue. The player has to dodge its tongue that flops to the ground and attack it. Resulting in being able to attack the creature itself.

It is a charging enemy with large protective plates that are part of the skeletal system covering its head and body.
The creature attacks by building up as much forward force as possible and slamming it into its enemy. It can not easily stop itself and requires a great deal of energy to slow down.
It is completely passive unless provoked and its diet consists of plants.
They travel in small herds of 4-5 and communicate by humming through their skulls/head plates.

Lava fish!

These are just a few Il add more later.



BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAAAHHAHAhAHAaah… ahem… sorry…got a bit carried away there…


Those (well most most of them) are pretty good ideas but

is just genius ::+1:


We need a monkey type creature, like we have worlds with billions of tree’s and nothing in them, they should be able to shoot bananna like projectiles, they should come in groups of 3, and when low on health they use their hook like tails to zipline away, would be cool to walk into a forest area and all of a sudden you see these monkey creatures zipling threw the trees :monkey: :banana:


Some fantastic ideas here guys! Keep posting, we’re noting them all down.


Don’t think it was mentioned, and forgive me if it was. But how about something akin to a creeper from minecraft? A creature that can destroy blocks whether through explosion, tunneling as was mentioned, or maybe ramming.

Perhaps a pack of little fluffy creatures in a snow environment. They would be individually weak but when startled they would run together and combine into a stronger golem-like monster. You would have to try to kill one quickly to disrupt their formation or you’d have a tough battle on your hands.


I like tiny creatures with limited, but universial vocabulary. And if you hug them they squeak, run away and hold a squeech to their tribe, return, and get mashed by a titan.


I can’t wait for overwatch

The idea of sandbox creatures immediately reminds me of my own childhood sandbox.

Let me introduce you to this little nightmare, the Antlion.
It’s hunting technique is to burrow itself in soft sand and dig a small pit with the sides just steep enough that it is almost impossible for its prey to climb out. It lurks in the bottom of this pit with just it’s mandibles visible, waiting for its prey to fall into its hungry mouth…

This could be scaled up to a much larger version in Boundless. It could burrow into dirt, sand or grass, making a small sloped pit of slippery, “loose packed” version of what ever it digs into (slippery slopes that mimic the surrounding terrain).

Anything that falls into its maw gets snared and has to fight for its life in melee to escape. Spot this monster from the edge of its pit to kill it from a safe distance, then gather it’s disguised slippery blocks to make traps of your own.


I just wanted to type sth. like lure it out with a carrot…bfmm…idk…gulp…is…is it…edible?

A fishlike creature with a big lillypad on its back. While waiting for prey it hides underneath its lillypad and as soon as you jump on top of It/pass it it will jump at you and do damage

Ent. A creature that looks like a tree and comes to live as soon as you try to harvest it

A bird like creature that builds its nest on top of mountainpeaks and protects its eggs with its life. The eggs could be hatchable or eatable

Maybe some kind of creature that hides inside your inventory and will slowly start to eat your food. Only way to get rid of it is to drop it out of your backpack :stuck_out_tongue:

donald trump: a strange kind of creature with funny hair that builds walls. Is hostile against mexicans



I already had liked your post but the Kappa made me reverse it…