Sandbox Creature Ideas

Creature characteristics:
•Black, blue in color
•It’s body Zelda is always under ground
•Use its tentacles that come out of the ground for attack

Aggravated by:
•Only comes out when a player comes near something very valuable
•The more valuable the item is,the more powerful the creature

How to kill:
•Use a sling-bow and arrow at tips of the tentacles
•Shoot explosive arrows at the area around the tentacles,to destroy the body in the ground

•Raw meat
•The skin to make armor
•The valuable item its self
•A whip made from the creature’s tentacles

I removed it. Now giv lik pls
Well kinda.
I was thinkin about something like this but more dangerous looking

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We have that one already

Art: New Creatures (Exploding Hopper and Ground Basher) :slight_smile:

Oh awesome! And it’s so cute! I might be getting close to this one more than I should…

A non-hostile Armadillo-Turtle mix that hides inside his shell when you approach it. In order to kill it you have to dig under it and attack its belly.

A fairly big (3x3x3 I´d say) catapult creature that has a huge aggro range (~100 blocks) and throws random blocks around it at you, dealing damage based on the type of block it threw (stone>wood>dirt). It would be cool if you would hear the iconic artillery-incoming-sound (bomb whistling) 1-2 second before you get hit so you have a chance to look up and dodge the projectile.

This creature should be a rather rare though, otherwise it could become annoying.


Blowing Mind Mountain Werewolves or the WereWind - rare/hard to find enemy. white wolf werewolf that has claws and bite attacks and also the wind attacks which push you off the mountain. has very nice focus towards which makes you want to sneak behind him and attack, evade and repeat. also you can use his wind against him by purposely getting pushed by the wind and use its blowing speed and falling speed to create momentum and use the grapling hook to get behind him and strike from the back. also his weakness is fire?(dunno if you guys will add elemental weapons/sorcery into the game)

Kinetic Whisp(Hard Boss) -

An innocent looking whisp that, when approached, grabs various blocks around itself with kinetic force and turns into a 10 block tall golem. the blocks are enforced with an elemental force becoming hard to mine. its attacks are smash(2 hands hitting the ground either rooting the players briefly [cant walk but can use weapons/etc] or pushing the players away if not directly under the smash), grab and throw the player, kick-stomp(?)(kicks the ground 3 times each with a different foot) and an attack that sacrifices 1 or 2 hands for tons of damage.

Strategy: the strategy is to mine the blocks and destroy him from the inside hitting directly hitting the whisp which stays in the golem’s chest or head. once you’re inside it shakes trying to get you out of there or if really low on HP, drops all blocks and runs away for a while and then creates a new golem. When it throws the arm(s) it takes some seconds for it to form another one, so this will be a nice chance for a solo player focused on weapon-skill to enter it, getting to high ground then jumping in the arm-whole. a nice strategy is to get a good craftsman/miner partner and a good fighter-skill(im saying “-skill” cus i dont know how it works, if its item based or skill based, either way i think the word explains itself). 2 man team will be nice but recomended more players. the golem has slow movement speed but the whisp flies fast when running away after desintegrating the golem, making it hard to track but rewarding when you kill it.

Location: In various worlds, really hard to find, random spawn.

Drops: elemental/kinetic blocks which can be put through some process to make elemental ingots for then to make some armor with kinetic properties or a kinetic weapon that pushes enemies away with kinetic force?

Driller Mole - Small/common creature.

Existing in mines, the little bastards that screw up your day. Low hp, small moles that have a drilling horn instead of a nose that can move up and down the ground. they may suprise you while you mine since the can smell/sense very nice. They only attack with the drill-horn. by “surfing” the ground and then hit you or just in front of you.

Strategy - Fight them in open area after they try to hit you with a running blow with their horn.

The annoying part is when you’re mining. You hear the sound of the drill and you go crazy running as their attack is strong.

Home/Base: You can find a place in a cave which have a lot of these guys with some structurised things that they built. Nice would be that when you start the servers(day 1 of release) they start building they’re home and if you visist them in an early stage (imagine day 1) you could just see they settling in, making space for their home. on day 10(i.e.) they would have the home built. An interesting feature to add IMO. and off course it would not be just on day 1. in other worlds different animals rather than moles(sandbox feature) would start building at day 10 or 11 and so on. a concept for constructive animals

Friend or Foe?: They don’t like having strangers in their home, they feel threatned and if you enter their home they might attack you or not. If you don’t do this or attack them they won’t attack you. You can be friends with them by trading items they want. then, you can visit their home lands for bigger tradings, more powerful items/blocks. a portal NEAR their home/base would be nice for you to comeback later to buy or sell something to them. dont put a portal inside or too near of their base, they might just destroy it.

I still think it would be awesome if there were randomly spawned chests hidden around the world. could be considered lorebreaking but could be done in a non lore breaking way.

point being that even if it wasnt the case, it would be cool to have a small creature which will lead you to treasure, if there arent direct chests maybe something that ‘‘lives’’ on rare ore so it can sniff it out, meaning if you follow it it will go to a place where there is ore.


I think you might have the wrong idea of how this game will work. There wont be locally hosted worlds (at least in the main game) that you start, think of the worlds as WoW Server that run 24/7, if you are familiar with that.

All your ideas sound interesting but please no weapon drops^^

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The only things that should drop weapons should be golems and tribal creatures.

oooooooooh, very nice. but the concept was that you can visit them in an early stage and a late stage or you can just record and see a timelapse of it. imagine: servers start day 1, they have almsot nothing, day 10, they’re home is complete, when i say home i mean like an underground structured building that the moles would make. but man, rather than that negativity, did you enjoy the rest of the concept for the Driller Moles?

Yea creatures that already use weapons should also drop weapons if they die, that’s right.


totally right. mostly the material for it or part of it. i.e. you need 2 wooden sticks and elemental blocks and some electricity or some sort of combustion to fuel the kinetic power.

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it could also be tamed, but i don’t know if anything is planned about “pets”.

that would force players to use a bow/ranged weapon but that could be seen as strategy as well. also, i love the “saved by the hook” part. like you fall, then you launch your hook to the bird, amazing and when you fell it would certainly create tension xD nice

Hi all, long time lurker here.
How about some sort of dangerous beastie that preys on other creatures and and stores their precious materials in it’s web/nest. Perhaps they would act more aggressively when they have a larger bounty. If found, you could then lure them and persuade them to nest somewhere useful to you, giving you easy access to it.
The hook being you could potentially farm them indefinitely, as long as you avoid being attacked yourself - a fun risk/reward system with the cool bonus of basically being a dangerous pet.
Could also be used to guard your property.


A telekinetic/mage creature that makes the block beneath you glow (or gives you some sort of other indicator) if you stand still for more than x seconds. After y seconds the block propels up 2-4 blocks and if you are still on it you get thrown in the air resulting in falling damage.

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You guys should draw influence from legend of zelda- most enemies were a puzzle on their own, but there were still enemies that required brute force and a little skill to defeat.