Sap seems to be a limited resource

Oh, well I do have a second character slot now, but I wasn’t planning on using that one for a little while. Pity you can’t create an alternative skill set that you could swap around.

I see there is a “Skill Set” Extra, but from what I am getting from the description, you can’t just use all the skill points you have earned in a different way and then swap back and forth as needed.

sorry for slow response,just moved to a new planet and joined a settlement so was rebuilding,i have a alt crafter for that as well as a combat char for hunting needs,as with most games it better to avoid the jack of all trades builds as you end up good at alot of things but locked out of all the end game stuff due to the 100 point limit.

So are the alts all allowed to access the same boxes and locked areas? I haven’t started my second character yet. Is it easy to get your alts to your main base? (If it isn’t obvious, noob here. :slight_smile:)

You will be able to give your alts permission at your beacon.

once you edit the permissions for each alt with your main on your beacon yes (just click all 3 boxes for each alt) that will allow your alts to build/destroy any blocks and full access to all machines/storage etc.

getting to your base really depends on what planet your on and if the starter planet you start on has a portal hub,i was on sochaltin and that planet has a portal seekers hub which allowed me to get around much easier.

Thanks guys, this has been very useful. I’ll start my first alt soon. I guess all this makes sense. I used to play WoW and we had quite a few alts there as well. I just didn’t think to use that method in a Minecraft type game.