[Sarra II] --[Savage Blink Exoworld]--

I’ve gone to where someone is mining just so I can find a piece of rift, blink etc just to add to my atlas. Then I move along.

Also, I’ve been to the exo an hour or two after it shows up and it’s pretty much hollowed out already.

Just part of the game. Sometimes you’re lucky and sometimes you’re not…

Yea I like mining in peace. If I see someone mining I’m not going to mine near them even if I’m at a higher alt. To me it’s rude. So even tho I may have been at a spot first if they do that I just go to my home beacon and turn boundless off.


I usually don’t have issues with players near me mining on the lucent worlds. Most players are there to do their own thing just like everyone else.

happy for ya bud.

I usually wait to do clean up when there a day left it becomes vacant

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Yeah I went to the last Rift world pretty early and had a group of people come to where I was mining and basically tried to push me out of the spot lol Not worth my time to go honestly unless there is a rare color I want. Otherwise, there is nothing really game changing on exos anyway in my opinion.

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I’ve had people try to push me out to but u usually just ask them to leave or mine to a diff spot. If ur being harassed then PM a dev to get it sorted. People bully or grief in games. I’ve seen it and dealt with it once in this game. That’s why I usually take a partner. Ur less likely to have it happen. If u wanna try again tonight bill be on and will gladly go. Just message me. I want u to enjoy every aspect of the game. Cause truth exos are alot of fun

I was incredible how much blink and gems left today. I sure did the same you did. Went on a rock mission and went back for all else twice :smiley:


I went on a blink mission and found mostly rocks. Wanna swap? :kissing_heart::kissing_heart: @Mittekemuis


Doing pretty good on the blink here, and all the other stuff I get makes blink mining VERY profitable. :smiley:

A few more pics -


Ashen taupeeeeee I was worried I wouldn’t see this again for a long time!

Completed the atlas in 45 mins :fist_left::expressionless::fist_right:

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Haha, having the exact same issue! 2 hammers, 102 blink :confused:
I mean, i mined enough gold/silver and ruby to more than pay for my trip. But i just want more blink :frowning:

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U beat me 156 blink 3 hammers

Still a lot around, its just in small hot spots.


damn I had 150+ blink for 1 hammer and I thought it was poor…

I have never ever hoarded as much metarock as this ashen taupe forced me to. I had to make new chests just for this exo. :smiley:

I need to get a fully explored atlas and just pound the pavement a few hours

I’m dead already and they still try to come after me…


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