Save the portal oort be more efficient!

I agree with you :slight_smile:
My point is not that everybody should be able to have 100 portals by dropping in 2 oort :slight_smile: my point is that there’s only 1 viable way to get oort, and if you’re burned out on that, which i know a lot of people are, you either have to buy it at a premium, hunt anyway (and have the game leave a bad taste in your mouth) or just stop having portals alltogether.


Who knows maybe theres plenty of oort coming into the economy and we don’t hear about it because people sell it to major hubs at the high price it’s at 260-300c each, people don’t need to sell it in their stores anymore.


I just enjoy having easy access to what I want to get to. We have 3 portals leading to networks HSE, TNT, 3 x PS and Hubbit. Portals to DK Mall, Iconic Mall, and 2 for Gyosha Mall. For 2x1 portals we have storage, workshop, farms, dark room (creative art garden thingy), top of the world portal (black pane room above dome), a 2x1 for each resident of the Dome (Luna, Killian, Undead, Queen, Kiss, Henry). That’s just in our Dome which is our Home :wink:. Then there are the farms “Bob’s Farms” which there are 5 farms on Sorissi (mud, sand, silty, clay, peat) then there’s beserona (pulsating orbs), Shedu (exotic yams), Galan (shimmering orbs), Alycon (bark/sap/trunk, saltpetre) and Norkyna (inky, fibrous, berries/corruption,shadow orbs) that’s 12 2x1 portals just in farms.

Yeah I like to keep a decent supply. When I only have 8 weeks of Oort for my Hive portal is when I consider myself low. :joy: I hunt for my Oort though. I sell whatever I don’t use.


I hunt for all oort I need because I want to leave it on the market for those who need to buy it… I’d hate to contribute to what feels like a slight oort shortage. But maybe there is no shortage and it just sells for more now. I doubt I could single handedly shift the economy, but I’d rather help in any way I can.

Then there are the people that don’t sell their oort no matter what. We keep every bit, and just store it under our hub. There are plenty of people going on hunts, I see screenshots of 40-50 people. Say 50 people on a hunt that’s 12,500 rough oort, in one hunt! I doubt there is actually a shortage. Perhaps it was all propaganda this entire time! Just to get your oort and increase hunts per day! I like it! Oh that’s also 694 mass crafts of oort shards…173,500 oort shards! One hunt of 50 people at 250 oort per hunt per person for example.


So you’re telling me to buy 50 copies of boundless and pair all 50 computers to the same controller inputs and go hunting huh.

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49 little @FireAngelDth running around…please don’t do that to use :rofl:

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I have :wink: