Save your outfit, paint, color kit combination

I think it would be great if we could save our look including everything cosmetic about ourselves like paint, skin color, custom tints, accessories, etc. I like to dress up for the holidays in game and I always forget what I looked like before haha :sweat_smile:

Would be convenient to have my go to holiday outfits and my standard to easily switch between!


I always make photo or screenshots of my set colors in case i want to go back to what i had rather than trying something new


that reminds me about that woman who saw pictures of her younger self on her husband’s phone and thought he was cheating on her… it didn’t end well for the husband… :clown_face:

such a great suggestion though… :sunglasses: I also tend to change for seasonal events and with 6 alts it’s easy to forget the original skin tint lol