Saving Region Locations Names

So here I am saving locations and adding region names and I get this lovely message that I can’t save it. This is literally the name of the region, if it’s unsuitable, then game… maybe pick a better suitable name SMH lol


tenor (6)





Before sovereigns were implemented I asked devs to consider editable regions.
To no avail.

And now you have to live with Kockmann :stuck_out_tongue:

I would blame Jeff though :laughing:


I would agree with this only for Sovereign Worlds. I mean you are paying for it why can’t you right? Hopefully with the new owners we will see this implemented and a better region name generator lol


thats what I meant - who would have right to change it on public worlds? we wouldnt want to have public world names and regions names there to change constantly, or have trolls making a total mockery of things there…

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Well, maybe that could also be a thing… like if your beacon is the capacity or viceroy of that homeworld you unlock the region name editor in your beacon. If someone else takes over or that person reclaims then that region turna back to the original name. I’m sure that might be asking too much but it was just a thought that popped in my head.

Capitol lol

Capital* :relieved:

OMG smh :sweat_smile: right, what Host said lol

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I wonder if that would start a Prestige War???


I think it would most likey, naming regions after gaining capital/viceroy :thinking: imagine having your opponent that fights you for viceroy, and he is in a region that you renamed to uma bich naw …i mean yeah definitely :smile: :rofl:


but that would exactly be the problem - it would lead to constant name changing (on some worlds less often, on some more)
public worlds should offer stability I think
also, some players with editing rights could troll with their region naming… to give people right to edit names on public worlds would be like opening a pandora’s box

at this stage character names, beacon names and sovereign worlds names is enough to deal with if it comes to vulgar or provocative ideas (although I don’t know how often any player given names were reported and dealt with by support; maybe not too many?)
to add region editing would mean hundreds of sovereigns times 30+ regions on each that could be re-named - maybe that was the reason why it wasn’t implemented

I still want region name editing for my sovereign though :grin:


The one with the ‘O’ is where you go.

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True ,the O is located at the A :thinking:

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But it’s the people in the capitol that are wasting your capital.

Though, honestly, I think that’s a lot less of a problem where you are than it is where I am :sweat:

But without a capital there would not be a capitol? Unless the capitol is the capital making it the capitol within its own capital or is is then just the capital? Does it require more to be a capital :thinking:

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Capitol - a building holding legislative body (for example: US Congress)
capital - the administrative center of any country

Washington is the capital of USA, where the Capitol (the seat of US Congress) is located.

So, @HOST is right - in Boundless world’s most prestigious settlement is the world’s capital. You can build Capitol in that capital.


Man, you know I literally passed out thinking about this :rofl: