Scheduled Update - 21st November, 10:00 UTC - Body Paints are coming - COMPLETE

ok, is this intended to allow other meals to give well fed buff?

Can´t cobnnect since this patch… Error 3

Thanks for the update really like the look of the paint

Paints are cool. hate the nerf on food tho, i dont like eating every 2 minutes when doing stuff. This makes high grade food useless.

What they did something to food

Yes well fed doesnt stop hunger, just decrease its rate

Well that a little annoying

But what ya gonna do🤷‍♂️
We can’t have everything I guess

Since theres an announcement for an update tomorrow can we get some patch notes please

James updated the original Testing 206 Post…

That’s it lol

Yea, it is exactly what was asked for.

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Yeah an hour down for 4 bug fixes. Totally worth it lol.

It’s what is known as a ‘Hotfix’. They’re quite common in games and fix issues that arise after a scheduled update. It’s either they fix the issues now and push out the ‘Hotfix’ or wait until next week and we put up with the Bugs until then.

Which would you prefer?


I’m just happy the food buff is fixed! Hammers out dudes!


I’m entitled to my opinion as are you. You dont have to like it

I never said that I didn’t like your opinion. I merely explained what a Hotfix was and the reason for it being applied. I then simply asked if you’d prefer we wait or have the fix applied asap. I never once said that I disliked your opinion.

I know what a hotfix is. I just dont believe that we should be taken down for as long as they usually do for so little. I mean what about the footfall and all the other things that I’ve seen people complain about for weeks? Seems stupid to not capitalize on the update opportunity and fix their game further. I mean finata is still a nightmare to be on. The lag is real a lot of the time and I just feel that they could do more. Kick me off for an hour fine I’ll play something else but at least make it worth it. Besides why is everyone so eager for the well food buff to not postpone hunger?

Don’t bother, Tifa is a troll account. One of the alts of someone that is probably banned.

Best to ignore. I didn’t realize till I checked the post history.

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