Search Bar for Knowlege Tab

When I press “K” on the computer I wish there was a search bar like there is in the test server to “give items”. Does anyone else want this?


I think it was brought up several times when the PS4 release first happened and many of us PS4 players asked for something like that because its a bit more time consuming, compared to a pc at any rate. It’d be good for both brand of players but I thought one of the devs at the time said there were issues with being able to do that due to the system design. It could have been another player that said that though, so who honestly knows. Would be nice to have happen though.


I’m hoping this thing will include a search box in the knowledge window too. Right now I’m in complete agreement, the knowledge window and functionality could use a lot of love :slight_smile:


Oh man that post is from November… I wonder when we’ll get this feature

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