Selling something white

I’d also be happy to setup a white pigment/spray farm to supply sprays if your interested. I have a modest supply of goo kernels but have been saving them for after the update…

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not needed buddy thanks anyways!

why save till after the update, something i missed?

I believe with the new update comes a new epic for pigments/sprays which increases efficiency. Not sure on the exact details. I’ve just been saving up…


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The skills from the update makes it about 5 times better, if fully coiled.


This will make my spray shop endeavour allot easier, been trying to open a shop with every colour, but wanted a decent amount of each… :smiley:

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Now all I need are some exos to get some more Goo…


changed marble price from 77c to 60c for a couple of days

and white rock at 4c

like real shops , boundless shops should also have a sale at times to help out :slight_smile:

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Ouch. Thank god I managed to buy 8ss for 25c. Tempted to resell them now lol


White? :flushed: if so that’s a steal

Yea, white. I had actually forgot that white wasn’t readily available lol.

Got some white mosaic to go with it for 20c too, only about 700 though

Only negative is that i kinda actually need em for my build…

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Nice one yeah I would resell and double your money at least haha also nice on the mosaic :+1: that could be 150-200c

I wouldn’t sell the mosaic myself since I looooove white mosaic

75% of the mall is white mosaic

Dang…really?? I had thought it was probably worth about the same as marble . Can’t you tell I’ve been out of the block selling market for a long while

yea really, back then i used to sell white mosaic even for 250c

i think i made like 500k to sell and 500k to use xD

still using it
but yeah 150c is a minimum really i say for white mosaic

I can get the same picture with only 144 pieces :smiley:



Hmmmmmmm. I’m suddenly thinking I have a huge stash of rock in my reclaim that I might be using soon.

I did go nuts farming the stuff but didn’t do anything with it.

Taking a 4mth break sure does make you forget all the stuff you have lying about

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you should bro :+1:

Probably should, but let’s face it. Once you have a few million, especially when it becomes “tens of” makes the effort seem a bit meh