Sentinel's Crest

I am looking to purchase Sentinel’s Crest in these colors (comes from the gleam of the planet in meteors tier 5 (or maybe 6) and above)

For Lilacs and Violet’s I only need one. I open to dupes of all lavender shades if I can afford it.

Strong Lavender Vivid Deep Silk

Dark Silk Night Deep Bright Lilac Pale Vivid


Bright Strong Vivid Weary Oxide Deep Warm Violet

If I get lucky and fill some of these, I’ll delete them from the list :slight_smile:


I got 1 warm violet,
a bunch of strong lavender,
10 dark lilac
7night lilac
14 Light lilac
4 Silk lilac

c for you

THANK YOU!! I logged in just before downtime to get them and am updating my needs!

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Or…lol…I’ll make a new post as I guess we can’t edit?

For Lilacs and Violet’s I only need one. I open to dupes of all lavender shades if I can afford it.

Lavender: (will take any lavenders for decoration purposes! The ones here are for my museum)
Vivid Deep Silk

Deep Bright Pale Vivid

Bright Strong Vivid Weary Oxide Deep Violet