Settings for weak internet?

Moving flat, Internet isn’t being installed for 10 days, so gonna be playing by hots-spotting my phone.

What are the best network settings for weak/slow internet connection?

I should know this, but thanks for any help!


First of all, you’re not going to get awesome connectivity, so you might want to make peace with that part. :wink:

Second, I’m assuming you’re UK based, based on your lingo.


So, I’d initially make sure you’re using a good DNS whilst in-game (see some of the chat in the thread below):

I recommend DNS Jumper as a way to hop around them in Windows. :+1:

Either way, broadly speaking, I use either cloudflare (?) or Zen (UK based).

That said, Orange also have an open DNS service, so if you’re on them for your mobile, then perhaps that might be best.

Or you could check what your mobile provider’s DNS service is to force the matter on your PC/PS. Just remember to change it back when you’re fixed line again. Technically the phone should force you to use that if/when you connect you’re using the phone as the DNS source … however you may have already set a DNS provider yourself … so a double check on this could assist your ping somewhat.

I’m still not 100% on the validity of DNS changes as an ‘improvement’, however modifying DNS has always done wonders for me, in game.

Phone/Provider Data Settings

I don’t have a mobile/cell phone, but I would imagine that any ‘data saver’ settings would be your enemy, here.

I would perhaps also check to see with your provider if there aren’t any soft limits placed on lines at particular times of day, as this could hamper in-game stuffs.

If you have the potential to run profiles (not separate users) that load less / more stuff on the phone, this might be a good use case for it. I wouldn’t know if that’s a thing, mind.

Hungry Phone Apps

Quite like the data settings, look at either disabling, or restricting any apps that are Data Hungry. This would include any services, too.

So, stuff like Spotify, Netflix, Amazon, YouTube … either disable them completely, or severely look at ways to limit them. For example, I think Prime can automatically download new episodes of films.

Similarly, if you have auto-updates on, then apps will download whilst you’re playing. This could halt in-game fun, I would guess. I doubt it, but potentially even if it’s limited to Wi-Fi only updating … as it might see hot-spot as the Wi-Fi being ‘on’ …

That’s all I got, I’m afraid … I reckon that others might have more/better feedback, here.


Limit your chunk downloads and decrease the number of open portals.


doh! didn’t think of stuff like this :sweat_smile:

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Thanks guys, seems to be functioning just fine now, no ‘unstable connection’ :smiley:

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