cant wait to actully see a person in the game
how do i do in game screenshots cas when i try to do one it turns out like this
but im in full screen and have no options on but it always do thatI guess you are playing on Steam? so itâs F12
Edit: Take some pictures from the outside and also your neighbourhood
it wont save a screenshot i tried for 22 minutes now omg so frustrating
F12 should work, and Steam usually pops up a small dialog acking the capture.
my f12 turns of my internet so i cahnged it first ti f5 but no â â â â happend so i changed it to k and spammed clicked it nothing happend i changed the location to the picture folder multiple times and no picture turned up i dident hear a sound i diddent see a thing nothing happend
well i cant see to be able to make a picture so you just gotta see it by your self
Donât worry, I will
Just wonder, why F12 turns off your internet.
Do you maybe have double function in the F-keys?
Maybe toggle off the second function with another key on your keyboard and try again.
But dont get frustrated, Iâll be able to do myself in about a few days.
You should by the way better edit your posts in the forum, if noone answered before. Then there are not that much posts. Just as a hint
yeah i got a function in every f key
me too, that#s why i ask. But they are usual able to be deactivated by your keyboard.
For example my second funtions of F-keys are red. and next to my ctrl-key I have a read âfnâ.
If I press it I swith the red funktions on and off. Because sometimes you want to use just the F12 and sometimes you want to quit your wireless lan.
Should be possible for you too. try it.
it works but it wont take a dam screenshot my steam is wierd today
Turns off your internet? Do you mean enables/disables your wi-fi? If the extended functions on your F-keys are always on then thereâs a problem with the keyboard setup on your laptop.
Or they are switched always fn unless you use the fn button
Im a new neighbor, beach front property! Come visit.
One of these things is not like the othersâno beacon. How will we know to whom to send the tax bill?
Someone messed with the ice slide and didnât fix it, or the game glitched.
this building is bigger as he can save it compolete in beacon,.it is 2x3x3 = 18 plots and max is atm 12.
and it will build during the last 12 hours, but who it build i dont know.
but i have build my house between 22:00-2:00 oâclock
and the basement he build near the house is is nearly over 2x2x2 and is crossing(is a part under) the beacon from @brook_monroe
and a small garden befor the house with 1x2 plot, but with the wrong size (5*14 fields)
One more time I need to explain, that the lower area should be the market area. Big houses should not be built there. Thatâs why nearly all others take the size of one beacon.
Whoever built his house on the lower ground, please move it to the area around. And just built a little store in the low ground area.
The basement is left over from my two-plot build. Free basement for whomever builds there. Gleam and dark glass down there available as a source for builds (replace what you take).
The garden can be retired. Itâs there for decoration to make the place seem a little less like a low-rent flea market.