Settlement Revamp - Opt-in Versus Forced

I never said “I” represented 99.9% of the player base. What I said was that Xalda is only concerned with HIS position and fixing HIS needs. Since xalda is only concerned about himself I asked what about the other 99.9% of us… he repeatedly dodged how he wanted to handle other scenarios including the example i included. It is clear that he does not care about any other scenarios that do not fit HIS narrative.

You calling me a liar is pretty funny… it also shows what little you know not just about me but also other things that you’ll figure out hopefully one day. I FORGIVE YOU…


Unless you demerge the adjacent plots by unplotting, then replotting, eh? :]

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Which after the buffer zones you might be able to do anyways. Just unplot enough to create a gap for you to have a buffer zone and bingo you are now not part of the existing settlement. Might be harder if you are surrounded but not impossible.

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Edit 2: Ok finally have a few minutes to clarify since I don’t even understand what I originally put here.

@Kal-El is dead on. And you are right @Fallon there are still ways for people to detach and reattach which can cause drama if their beacons are big enough, so “all” was a bad word to use.

I’m mainly worried about road plots like the original blacklight/duskmoor road districts. I remove my roads and cut off tons of beacons from the main town. And it creates a bigger rift between the players in the town for them to overcome once things calm down.

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yeah the ability to simply toggle off an existing settlement connection in the example you mention creates yet another headache I at least had not considered before… How should this be handled?

I dunno, but I do know that if you are in a densely populated area & you remove some plots, you lose the buffer & plots. Your neighbor’s plots buffers then take over the space. -I tried this on the test server.

Edited to add: I don’t have a clue how this will affect settlements, road/bridge connection issues, and naming rights.


I have nothing to add other than to say, the phrase is ‘moot point’, not ‘mute point’!!

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That depends if your beacon is older then it is your buffer zone if your neighbors plots are older then you get exactly what happened to you, those plots fall into your neighbors buffer zone.

Yup. I guarantee you noobs and kiddos playing are not going to understand this. How is anyone suppose to know which beacon or plot is older?

Better not plot near anyone…if you do, don’t ever unplot for any reason or risk losing your plots.

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going to be interesting in cities and malls for sure… could be OK or else it could be a headache

Yes, and literally anyone that has a neighbor of any sort.

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yeah I am a happy resident in your mall… sorta holding my breathe as I wonder how this change will impact the day to day activities for us shop owners and even more for you and your management staff

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Actually I misspoke and I apologize. It is the actual plot age not the beacon age. So even if the other players beacon was there first if you expanded in that direction before them then your plots could be older than their plots closest to you.

Not that this makes it any easier for a player to know what will happen unless the other players plots were there when you started your plotting and build.

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I will do my best to keep everything copasetic for everyone in the mall. There won’t be much I can do for stores that are next to each other though. I do have the oldest beacon/plots there - so I guess that will be a little helpful.

Shops change hands as people move around…not sure if that will still work well or not. Just like in cities…city blocks get traded/bought/sold…how is that going to work? And if someone gets salty and turns on their buffer for the roads in a city or mall…yikes

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This whole thing reads as putting a band aid on a broken system. Sometimes the entire system is just the problem and there’s no way to fix it, no matter what kind of band-aid it gets. The game already is overly complex. This is just going to add another layer of complexity.

If anything happens at this point it seems like a new system over-all would be a better fix so band-aids aren’t going to be constantly happening. This isn’t the first or second time plots and beacons have been messed with. We’re still struggling with complaints that were complaints almost 1 year ago. That is indicative of a broken system.

No matter what choice is made, it’s going to result in plot issues: one where newbs and younger players probably never grasp and quit playing as a result or two: a completely new system is created in a less complex way and the current landscape of everything wildly changes because it’d be almost like a wipe. Unless there was a way to tie old boundaries in to the new system, which just sounds like messy code. I’ve played too many games like that where band-aids kept being stacked on to a broken system until it was too far gone and they had to re-work the system/code anyways.

I think no matter which avenue ends up being chosen, it’s going to be a headache for one half of the player base no matter what. Boundless is Boundless until you discover the Boundries game, of the game.

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Very harsh, but true.

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The only fix is to make the game single player. All of these system changes are designed to fix player actions, unfortunately.

Edit before I am villified: I don’t want the game to be single player.

I think it would be fine to sell a single player version of the game, but I play other similar MMO building games and we don’t have these plot/settlement/fighting problems.

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Which other games? The only one I know of is trove and its building systems are instanced and controlled by individuals. I would love to look at other building MMOs.

It works well in Trove because everyone isn’t trying to build on top of each other, unless they’ve created a club world. We get so many permissions in clubs that we can easily prevent any stepping-on-toes or griefing issues, while allowing club members to freely build. If you build on a public planet, you have to search for a pre-determined space that once selected, can only be edited by you.

There’s also Creativerse, PK, MC, RB, and others. I don’t want to make this an advertisement for other games though - I still think Boundless is better than all of them by far.

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