Shift clicking more than 2 items into furnace

Hi guys so me and someone else has had this problem when you shift click more than one item into a furnace the 3rd item is gone completely I lost a stack of compacted peat because I wanted to shift click it to go into fuel but it disappeared

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Sorry should of put more than top items

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There are secret storage slots in the furnace. You need to break the furnace to get those items back.

It’s a bug, we are working on a solution.


Haha so secret you don’t know how to get to it without breaking it :wink: and ok so if I break the furnace should I get them back? And oki doke :slight_smile:

pss You can store forbidden items away from devs in that 3rd slot.


there is more that 3slots ;=)


a bug?
secret storage is a good thing me thinks :wink: