Shimmering orbs-opinions please

There are some tricky things about progression in this game. One of them is silver and gold tools.

The metals are rare, and to be honest the tools are only beneficial in very specific conditions, on some midlevel planets, with specialist builds.

In almost every case where I’ve tried to use them, iron is significantly more cost efficient, and titanium is both faster and, durability considered, easier to make ROI on. It’s clear you’re struggling with a progression ‘wall’ here and don’t see a way to the other side. But I can assure you that the various tools in the market are available at reasonable prices, considering the money you are able to generate with them.

It’s a treadmill, you think you can’t make ROI with the better tool, so you keep frustrating yourself with something that’s not quite enough to do a good job.

I realized after a while, as I was hitting mid-game, that I would do better to stop looking at “getting coin” as an obstacle to every task, and take some time to address it as it’s own task. This helped me tremendously. I could devote a little time to “getting coin” as it’s own task, and then get on with the rest of what I actually wanted to do.

I’d be willing, I think, to spend some time with you and do stuff if you’re interested. You get some half advice or good tips here which, out of context, can be confusing. For instance you seem very worried about tool speed and I know a lot of people have told you to take mega fast and just do it faster.

If you’re not doing it efficiently, doing it faster is just a nightmare multiplier. I, ah, twitch a bit myself. The value of a tool that can one-hit what you are harvesting is more than the multiplier of how many hits you are currently taking. It’s the value of saved hits, saved misses, and cleanup of any blocks that healed when you missed.

In light of that, using silver and gold tools on level 3 (again without precise specialist builds) is FAR more costly in terms of return on your investment than using a titanium tool that may have 1.5 to 2 times the initial purchase price.

The topic in the title is the orbs, but most of your posts seem to be about harvesting the mushrooms. I want to say that foraging is one of my favorite parts of the game, and it makes me sad that the best way to get certain foraging loot, is regen farming for block drops with luck skills. As for harvesting the orbs, if you want them at anything like a competitive cost or time to gather, you just have to do the block farming thing.

Others have said it but, holding back here, or doing a random part of the “full meta” decreases your efficiency here a LOT. However it’s also a bit of a necessity, and if this is how you like to make money, it really only takes a day or so to create a specialist for this. In this way you spend a couple hours a week doing the boring stuff, and the rest of the week you have time and coin to do what you like.

As for the mushrooms, you seem like a smart cookie, despite your current issues. In your current frustration you’re asking for them to be made more common, but the only reason you (seem to) want them is due to the value they have from being rare.

As soon as they’re more common the people that are already able to harvest thousands of beans and orbs per hour will include them too and you will have suggested yourself out of a market. There’s no way around it.

Anyways I’m not a kid, and I see how frustrating it is to get partial advice or smart comments that aren’t really explained based on the assumption that you’re familiar with “the meta” already.

I’d like to meet you and if we get along or if you’re interested we can do some stuff together until you’re a little more comfortable moving forward. I can’t make you happy with orb farms, I don’t like it myself. But I can help you be confident that you’re doing it as efficiently as your limitations allow.

The end result being, more time to enjoy the things that you like. Then you can explore the universe for glowcaps without feeling like you’re doing it under constant pressure for time and coin.


never tryd a regen bomb before but i see all these farms pop up how affordable are they our do they work as a full bag off bombs our is each one just one regen sorry to hijack post but very curious about these regen farms :smile:

Eh I see you directed that question at someone else but I have gone from trying not to use them to using them all the time.

You can get them from 250 - 300c per bag, prices up to 1k are normal depending on bomb type maybe more.

Iron bombs regen just as much as gold bombs, though.

The expense is no problem, with 100 uses or something per bag they pay for themselves many many times over. As long as you’re at a decent farm with at least a few hundred blocks of your target material you’re paying a tiny fraction of a coin per block.

This bag of bombs has lasted me through 2x +1400 dura diamond 3x3, 2x sapphire axe, and some other random uses including a little gleam harvesting.

To clarify the 800c I spent on these bombs has farmed through over 20 stacks of sap, 10 or so stacks of bark, nearly 4m spark in timber, a couple hundred inky and fibrous at leaf farms, and some gleam. Just estimating conservatively. It’s too cheap for me to bother tracking.

I don’t even like them, but it’s a no brainer.

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thx so much def gonna go get those bombs now i somehow put in my mind they onetime use each and never revisited them lol

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I go to Beserevono often, you need a partner i am on daily. Help you stock up some inventory while yoy help me :slight_smile: , as for shooting i have some bows for you that work great for me.

On ps4 shooting is… lol its interesting, incredibly frustrating and i miss, 60 to 80 percent of the time. Its just the aim mechanics and the movement of the critters which makes it very infuriating on the console. But there i a bow for that.

As for critters, you gather those gorgeous shrooms and ill keep the critters off, hit the odd lvl1 or 2 meteors not any higher, i need more bone for glue to sell and a few other baskets to fill out there. Ill show baskets with 100k in them, still working on emtying those :stuck_out_tongue:

I always forget my bombs, spent 3k on the gem ones eveytime i go out, ill hand some out they are worth it.

I still have the first two bags I bought, I’ve since bought more just so I don’t forget to swap them when I’m using a different harvester.

It does mean that when I spend an axe now, it’s 1.5 - 2 hours in a 1x2 plot room of spin, bomb, spin, bomb, spin bomb. It used to be 3 - 4 hours or more of running around, exploring, and dealing with boundless pits and creatures to get that done.

Personally, I miss that and I still do it a little bit. Just run around and whack stuff, and maybe chase roadrunners on the side. But if I need sap, bark, or any of the ‘luck’ drops a well shaped farm and a bag of regen bombs adds so much more loot per tool to the equation it’s unavoidable.

In buffs alone I couldn’t afford to add the number of pies and/or fast brews it would take me to use up an entire 3600+ durability of diamond axe moving across the surface of alcyon finding wood.

When I started this thread it seemed that all the farms I went to were either closed, I couldn’t find them or it was too frustrating with the tools that I had at that time to make it worthwhile for the digging and the little I got.
Now, I have been shown a place where there is plenty of growth, I have advanced more and learned more and so can go there and have in the past three times been able in a hour, with buying a good shovel, over 100 orbs in a hour. Regen bombs are cheaper now and I can afford them, but not no 50c or 100c, closer to 1k coins. I need the orbs for cooking food and to stock up for when my alt can make forged tools.
My son needs them because he is at the stage where he wants to make forged tools also.
I have a shop, or did have one, at New L. Market. It will be moving to Sky Express where I sell the plants and boulders to make coins to buy what I can’t get, such as the forged tools. Especially the gem ones.
Right now I have my alt making titanium shovels, slingbows and hammers.
While I appreciate the offers for everyone who has posted here and contacted me privately, I want to do this with my son, he is used to my quirks, such as accidently getting him killed twice when I pulled him off a cliff and he died from the fall, or one time I forgot to switch from grapple to slingbow and pulled a might hopper beside him and he died. He didn’t find it funny, but I did. We were in Sherdu Tier (spelling is wrong, sorry) and I died in the lava (Hate lava with a passion) which he found funny, I didn’t :slight_smile: . He was killed a total of six times and I died probably around the same.
We got no more than 12 glow caps, which I need to sell, and in many ways that is my frustration. They shouldn’t be that hard to find and so few. If they have the shimmering orbs and those are so desperately needed, they need to be increased slightly.
As a shop owner, I can see why some don’t like the thought of more of them, they want them rarer and they can charge higher prices. But reality is, there are too many recipes that need the orbs and they need to be easier to find, and the growth is too hard to get very many from if you don’t have the right tools. With my 1,200 shovels and epic drop I can get a orb for approx. every 30 growth. My son was frustrated with using a expensive tool and no gathering epic with getting one orb for every 53 growth.
For new players who can’t afford the tools, it is frustrating, and I feel for them, I was at that stage a month ago. Now, I can do better and still remember the frustration. I think really the low level players should Not be encouraged to go and get the shimmering orbs or the glow caps. That to me is really for mid level, but that is just my opinion and others may not agree with me. I didn’t even think of it when I was at level 30s, that was for level 40s, and now at level 50 and just starting a second page, I feel I am really ready to take on the more difficult tasks in the game, making higher level tools and weapons.

My thread was to get opinions on if others felt the number of glow caps was too low and same with the orbs in growth, should they be increased so players can get them. The orbs I can now get at Delta C and the guild I am a member of now has a farm for bark, sand, clay and I think gleam. I have found a nice place on Delta C where I can get the green berries and bark for my cooking.

When I first started in Oct I couldn’t even handle a level 2 planet, my first MMO game. Now, I can handle alone a level 4 planet, I may die but that is part of the game and I accept it. And you can laugh, but I was able yesterday to take on a level 1 meteorite with elementals on Delta C by myself and survive. For me that was a accomplishment.
What I find frustrating is that items that are needed in a lot of recipes, shimmering orbs, are so hard to find. And the glow caps for those who sell them in shops, they have a hard time finding them. I feel that the number of glow caps needs to be increased by 5 to 10% and same with the growth, more orbs need to be found in them. I think we need in two or three recipes other orbs that can be used, they are easier to find and would help mid level players find a use for them.

Am I in the minority who sees it that way, seem so.

I actually found there to be a decent ladder from beginning with nothing to having a fully functional and stocked laboooooratory (:rofl::nerd_face:). Bottom line, if you’re trying to have a good time playing a game, don’t listen to others or envy them in any way, it will only bring you down and/or ruin your experience, unless they are throwing you a tip or some free stuff. I really understand where you’re coming from with this line of thought.

The same thing could be said about playing a cheap (or free) Minecraft knockoff on a phone while games like boundless exist. The amazing part of this is that boundless has enough layers to it to actually have some class or status issues, and pretty much everyone wants to be the high class.

And those of us who don’t care about the high class aspect, seem to feel we are being pushed to achiever it. I have taken my time as I advance, I am having fun just exploring, not worrying about if I have gem tools or not until I want them.
I’m happy with the level I am at and the abilities I have. What has frustrated me is that the items needed for the level I am at is so hard to get, and it shouldn’t be that difficult.
As @Kal-El stated, why should we have to buy regen bombs, buy the expensive tools to get those items? If the devs wanted to make them that rare and a highly desired item, they shouldn’t have had so many recipes need them.
It makes for frustration, at least that is my opinion.

Well as far as opinions, this I can agree with.

As you state you are now able to farm nearly one orb every thirty seconds I don’t think they’re too rare at all. They’re not used in any low level recipes, and until recently really weren’t even available in areas where low level players would normally be.

As for the glow caps they’re not required for anything in game at all. Like the tapered boulder they seem to be one of the few ACTUALLY rare items in the game. I’d hate to see that change.

Glad to hear you’re moving forward now, too. I also started in october but I didn’t come out of my cave until late november lol.

I’m actually a bit confused, why are regen bombs made out of anything other than copper even a thing? They all have the same durability, except higher tier materials have higher energy consumption and lower flexibility. Damage of course goes up, but that’s irrelevant for regen bombs. Is there something I’m missing?

Iron bombs I can understand, simply because there is a lot of excess of it due to gem mining. But even then, iron’s 150 energy drain vs. copper’s 90.

I suppose there might still be leftovers from before the Deconstruction Resin changes when rolling Regeneration while making Healing bombs was more expensive to change (I assume people sometimes then just stuck with it)?

Anyway, I’m pretty happy with the farm I’ve set up on Trung. It’s a tier 2 planet, so you don’t need a high tier shovel, but it’s only a tiny patch which means it needs a lot more bomb uses. But considering you don’t have to move it’s pretty convenient, I do see people using it which is great. I also set up shop stands for everything you need to efficiently one-shot the growth, plus some instructions.

I just adjusted the prices as well and you can now get a full “one-shot set” which includes a Titanium AoE Shovel, Minor Strength brews, Regen Copper Bombs and a Persisting Pie for less than 2k.

Anyone is welcome to check it out, you can reach it via PS Lamblis → PS Finata → Trung → Pfiff’s Lazy Orbs. The funny thing is that this was always possible, older T2 planets also have these underwater growth spawns. it’s just that I’ve only recently learned that shimmering orbs drop from growth at the same rate on any tier planet.

Can you give us an estimate of how many orbs this would generate in that farm?

It IS tiny, I went. It’s cool though and a good place for a beginner to check out the regen farming mechanic.

As for why the gem bombs, best answer I got so far was “But, Diamonds Tho!” lol I guess when you have plenty it’s easier to just craft the higher level bombs than go hunting for more ‘efficient’ mats.

I never bought them until I saw them under 500c one day. I’d pay 1k/bag now no problem I’m rarely without them.

We sell Regen bombs at around 500c. We have a shop in the Legendville Mall : Sasquatch Shop. And one at the LuxMall at the Aquatopia Embassy on Beckon : Tools for princesses AoE nothing less

I know that I manage to get about 200 per potion, so in a bit under 12 minutes (only have 3 points in zeal currently). I usually don’t want to spend longer than one “pie session” by which I mean 3 potions and 1 pie, so I guess it’s about 600 in 35 minutes.

I’d say it’s definitely still worth it! Still plenty of shovel left after that as well, but yeah it burns through bombs like crazy. Thankfully those aren’t all that expensive to make.

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Without the pies and brews in one hour, using a shovel that isn’t real expensive, just around 1500coins, I can get between 100 to 120 orbs. I don’t mind spending a hour getting that amount, but I am homebound and can’t do much right now, so I have a lot of time where others who have jobs and lives can’t so for them, they probably would need the pies and brews.
I’m not trying to tell people they shouldn’t buy them, or use them, but I do wish they weren’t pushed so hard on low level players. I remember the days when we struggled to get coins.
Granted, that was when the game was released and footfall was high and so high prices for tools and weapons was charged and those who didn’t know about footfall, live away from settlements that had portal hubs didn’t have very much coins. Today you can buy a iron hammer for less than 100 coins, then it was over 1k coins, a explorer’s fist was 3 to 5k coins. I have a hammer that was given to me my first month and I promised I wouldn’t use it on anything higher than a level 5 planet and haven’t. It was selling for 45k coins, now I see ones similar for 15k to 20k coins. A huge difference.