Shop searching

Right now if you need something you have to visit and explore world running into shops hoping to eventually come across one selling what you need. This is extremely time consuming and make you want to give up and eventually just try and make everything yourself, but making everything yourself is also even more time consuming and game encourages people to work together but right now i’m finding that not so possible.

For example i want to start acquiring power coils, i been gathering/mining a lot, selling to player shops and accumulating coin. I mostly then use coin to buy higher end gathering tools that i don’t feel like making myself. All well and good, but i do eventually want to get into forging my tools, etc. since i can’t find any shops that sell them reasonably or at all for the most part. But i also don’t want to spending weeks/months trying to make my own power coils, when other more established people should be able to make them more easily and sell them to players like me willing to simply gather, earn coin, and buy them straight out. But right now that doesn’t seem possible. I’ve gone through majority of shops in Aquatopia for example, not finding anyone selling anything but basics like mats, tools, etc. I’ve even shouted for anyone selling them, no responses, and this is on a weekend with a lot of people online.

Back when i used to play older MMO’s that had in depth crafting systems and had player run shops like this game has. There was usually an in-game search tool that allowed you to search for things you need, ,give you a list of store locations and pricing, then you could take down the location of one of those shops and go there. This made it possible to find best deal with 1 item your looking for and this also gives pricing more stability too, since now people have to be a little more wary of others pricing to attract shoppers. People could do marketing schemes like stores in real life, sell some popular item lower then everyone else to attract customers in hopes they buy other stuff too while visiting. etc. This would help out with generating traffic for lesser known shop locations and specialized/large shops who regularly provide good pricing and stock should still stay popular as people still would visit their fav shops rather than searching then traveling all over for a slightly better deal at expense of time traveling/searching. For example in real world most people just buy online at Amazon, amazon doesn’t always have best pricing, but you know you will find what you need there and convenient so you tend to just buy all your stuff there to save time, but someone looking for best deal could take time to exploring, buy a few items from this shop, few items from that shop and go that route. But in Boundless this is almost impossible due to lack of a search feature. And way too time consuming to physically walk around universe looking at each shop, it’s ridiculous right now and very frustrating. Most shops seem to have very limited inventory space with few items left or sold out of almost everything and most shops seem to have almost same stuff, and i think it’s all due to lack of any good way to find them. If people could locate items/shops more conveniently it would i believe help the economy in boundless way more then it does right now, allowing people to work together more easily.

I hope some kind of search/indexing of some kind can be made available in the future. or else you will simply have most players playing this like a single player game, which is basically what i’m doing. There is only a couple shops i regularly visit to sell mats and buy tools but other then that, shopping is too time consuming and unfun right now when your looking for stuff that you can’t find in your usual locations.

If anyone wants to provide input for other alternative options then an in-game searching of shop items for sell with pricing/locations listed feel free to post them. Anything is better then what we got now. Unfortunately there also is little to no activity on trade forums, so an in-game search I believe is best way to go. I know people are always fearful of an action house like system messing up the economy but i’m not proposing that, only a way to search shops and pricing but you still physically need to go there. Not much different then real life.


Love this idea… and would love to stop running into the same stuff at shops that are scattered across the universe…

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I’ve mentioned the need for this.

Hubs are a complete mess, 99% of shops sell basic materials, and there are so many planets now it takes forever to find a single thing you’re lookin’ for.

There doesn’t need to be an auction house, but I should be able to type in “leaves” or “power coils” and see where they are being sold.

Some people enjoy endlessly searching shops, some don’t, let those who don’t have a way to enjoy the game too.

edit It would help with planet congestion also, because I’d know where I need to go instead of constantly going back and forth through hub portals.


I personally would love to see this. there has been push back from people that think it takes away from the exploring experience (I have seen the planets done exploring). And from some shop owners that think it turns it into an auction house since prices are posted so lowest price wins (I am probably over simplifying their objections). I think since you have people that do post process like Omni, people already have a way to tell who has what and where it is. It might not be in one place but it is there. Since it is there, why not let the buyers not waste their time combing a large universe looking for things? I would say if the sellers cared about their customers they would allow it or at least allow an option for shops that wanted to participate.


Because it’s typical of people who currently control markets. They become desperate to retain control and keep control of prices.

If an in-game system allow people to search and find what they wanted, they would lose control, and part of their enjoyment is control.

So we get excuses like “it ruins my fun” without thinking about other people and how the current system ruins “their” fun, instead of thinking of a middle-ground for everyone.

We don’t need to post prices. We don’t need to allow a mail-system of purchasing items. All we need is a database in-game that allows us to see what shop, on what world, in what location, is selling what item.

I’ve explored these hubs, I’m done exploring. I want to progress now. There’s nothing stoppin’ any other player from explorin’ if they want to, but let those of us who have done sight-seeing find what we want to buy instead of spending hours searching planets.


I agree that posting the location and wares of a shop, but not the prices, would be a nice middle ground. Otherwise you have to deal with which shops get displayed ahead of others.Some work is still required o the consumer but overall it’s made much less tedious.

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no please
I do not want to search for an item in 8345 mysql spreadsheets online.
That system will ruin smallest shops who are far from capitals that sells stuff for a higher price.
Or regional shops who sells resources like color gleam, gems, etc.
That will kill the market shop system since the ultra rich players can undercut forever in order to get football coin.

I think that system makes Boundless kind of unique.
Personally I love to shop around for hours checking deals buying low selling high.
Yesterday some guy was shouting that he was selling titanium furnace 1600c
I contact him asap and made the deal.

We just need a world trade regional chat.
So active shop owners can let the other players know their prices.
And players can actually know what is going on without travelling to every shop.

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Not post the prices? What is to stop me from posting every item in game for sell, but only one at 999999 coin each just to show up on every shop search? It would be easy to game such a system with the sole purpose of attracting footfall with no intention to sell.

Maybe it would be enough to instead have a shop/beacon location finder that simply shows locations and does not list goods or prices? Such a system could serve multiple purposes like locating sightseeing attractions, playgrounds, or shops. Maybe add a beacon details augment to the totem that gives further details for a settlement like shop location, tourist attractions, portal hubs, etc that can be viewed from sanctum or other planets.

I realize this does not help find specific items, but would at least find concentrations of shops that may better locate the item you’re looking for.


the nice thing is if it exist out of the boundless like an api that queries boundless directly, then everyone can do what they want. If you do to want to look at it you do not have to. The players with more limited time, might appreciate not having to search 30 stores to find what they need.


I’m glad to see other players also frustrated with the current shopping experience. I’m all for anything at this point. It’s been a while since we have had an MMO of this kind, with a huge world where people can build their home anywhere and sell from their home or shop items to other players. But if any older gamers like me can remember, most of those games back then had a way of searching of some sort. just to give some examples:

Ultima Online had a player shop system almost identical to this game. In-game has a search feature, and there you had option of generating a “map” of location for free then traveling there, or paying a cost to teleport to the shop from the search.

If i remember right EQ2 you could sell from your apartment home. They instanced your shop/homes but you still had to choose from various locations in world and people could search for items, find your items for sell, they would travel to your city, click on your apartment instance location and find the name of your place to then buy your stuff.

EQ1 if i remember actually had a Bazaar where everyone sold in one market and owned stalls, but even then they also had a search so you could search for items in your nearby bazaar and once you found item you need the game would draw you a path to follow to the stand in question. This game could do something like this. instead of a search of the entire universe it could be planet based. Search only your local planet and would show you coordinates. Or if there is concerns about searching hole planet then searching your region and just the surrounding immediately connected regions. This would still be a big time saver but require you to explore and find those shop hubs before you can do a search. So someone in Aquatopia can search mostly all of Aquatopia only in a localized search.

So i’m sure there is some system that would help players looking for goods without hurting the current experience of exploration boundless is trying to provide.


No, it won’t.

We just want to know where to find items so we don’t spend hours searching empty store after empty store that rarely sells anything other than basic materials.

It wouldn’t kill anything.

If anything, it would boost visibility for all smaller shops.

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You can game the system the same way right now.

Big shop sign, and empty store or sell only basic items = majority of shops in the game right now.

Yell on chat you’re selling cheap compactor coils, people come see you, then change the price.

You deal with these people the same way you deal with them now, you ignore them or report them for trolling. Having a simple list of places that sell certain items wouldn’t change any of this.

What I find reassuring is that despite you and I having differences of opinion, you at least try to reach a middle ground on things with other people, instead of this “my way or the highway” approach I often see elsewhere.


This is a good point. Right now I figure I should go to a large shop because they are more likely to have something. If I knew a small shop had what I wanted by checking a website or something that significantly increases the chances I will buy from them.


all players will just buy from the capitals since they can undercut the rest of the competition because they earn more football coin than any other little town shop.

I’m a machine crafter
I sell power coils at 10k at my local shop.
Capitals will sell that for 5k since they had unlimited liquidity and endless football coin.
I cannot cut anymore cause I’ll at loss
I quit.

Little shops will just dissapear.

edit: spellign

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How is that any different than what happens right now? Why would a list of where to find power coils change that?

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Since there is no way to check out other stores without visiting them one by one
People sometimes buy what they need in the first shop they see.
Because they do not want to waste more time looking for lower prices.
Active shop owners who cares about their shops will build a reputation in the future.

‘Do you need power coils ,John?’
‘Yeah go to X shop, that guy always has stock’


I guarantee, 100%, letting people see a list of the 30+ shops that sell power coils is going to result in people visiting a few of those shops and buying from them, not visiting all of them, then making a list of each price, and comparin’ them.

What you’re describin’ literally happens already, right now, as things are.

So instead of visiting your little shop, I just go to the big shops, because I’m not goin’ to go out of my way to visit all 200+ random small shop portals, I’ll just go to the biggest shop there is.

With a list, your little shop would get way more visibility and your sales would increase.

Edit The people who this benefits are the people who don’t want to spend hours explorin’ a city they’ve seen before, so as it is right now, I’ll never visit your shop unless it’s directly plotted next to a huge hub, or you regularly advertise and have your own website. With the OP’s idea, at least your shop has a chance of gettin’ visited by people like me.

I think it is hard to say how much footfall the shops earn. We can ask someone like Omni but lets say it is 10,000 per day. So once they sell two power coils (using the prices you stated as an example) they start losing money. Each person visiting a shop can only generate footfall once every 24 or 48 hours so. So I would be surprised if it was much more than that and is probably less.

All I can say is that I do not wander a capital looking for stores that is a waste of time to me as I am not earning xp or collecting resources. I go to the portals and visit the shops I know. I am not going to visit your shop unless I know what you have. If I was looking for power coils and new you had them the chances are a lot higher I would visit. Without that, unfortunately you are just another unknown that I will probably not visit. With over 1000 players we probably have well over 100 people with shops.

Actually the real issue is that this can happen with or without the participation of all the shops. If someone wanted to do a website (like Omni does) to advertise what they have and the cost, they can do it. If a group of shops did this, I would visit their website, check out prices and as long as the website was reliable, I would continue to use it and those shops.

A couple of points. First off, building a reputation with a shop owner is a good idea. As a shop owner myself, I have no clue what to sell without my customers giving me feedback. A totally silent customer is one that I can’t help. Feedback is a win. That being said, I’m on beckon, come to see me and I’ll be happy to help in whatever. I have a nice network of support where if I don’t already have what you’re looking for, I can most likely get it quickly.

Second, a lot of us in the Aquatopia Embassy are waiting on custom worlds. Quite a few of us are quietly gathering resources to build what we hope will be the biggest central marketplace of the game. It’s definitely going to take some work on everyone’s part but that’s part of what makes this game awesome. It’s not just a game where you go, kill spitters and craft your stuff off in your own little corner. That’s definitely an option, but this game really shines when there’s a community around it.

There’s never going to be one central market though. Not with the world player cap set as it is. With only 100 or so people per world, a player simply can’t get to every place. Perhaps the portal networks will make some changes and provide not only links to the closest couple worlds, but to the next ones out as well allowing players to skip around any blocked worlds. So that brings me back to my first point. Communication, and making friends gets a person a lot further than trying to solo.

I hear you about communication but then that is yet another limitation of this game. you can only communicate with those immediately around you. and i rarely ever see a shop owner at the shop in question. In fact one of my favorite shops is splitcups for tools. i keep wanting to ask him or one of other shop owners for help making/selling me stuff. but i’ve yet to get their attention. You can only chat with nearby players. you can’t send messages to people unless they are a friend. there is no in-game mail option to send messages, there is no bulletin board system for sending/posting messages, nothing. SO if we can’t have a good way to communicate to shops what we need, and no way to search for items easily how are we supposed to work together? And i’ve stood in middle of Aquatopia asking shout for help with items, yet to get any response. it seems shouts do not go far or no one really pays attention to chat.

So essentially, i’m forced right now to play this like a single player game. it’s a very quiet game, no one rarely speaks. even when i’m exploring and find someone they usually look at me, stand there, not say anything. i wave, i say hi, etc. nothing. maybe they wave back. that’s about it, you walk away, boom you can’t talk to them anymore due to limited reach of chat. exploring shops all day for hours to find things i need doesn’t seem like a good use of my time. So i’m kind of forced due to time limitations if i want to play this game to play is like a single player game. And i think a lot of people are doing that, why go through all this when you can eventually just work on making everything yourself? i think most people give up and do that.

I’m not really talking about making changes to chat in this game, that’s another topic entirely. But implementing a least a local search of a region your in could be bring a huge boost to economy for both shop owners and buyers, if it’s easier to for players to find your goods, your more likely to sell your goods, your going to have an easier/quicker time seeing what sells and what doesn’t, even with the current communication limitations in game.