[shop]support a new player

with the lack of players and sales and with the awesome hard work of @iamfreckles215 check out her shop on Storis ll (with picture guides)
not sure about pricing but it’s always good to help out a new player with a start off.
she works hard in-game also streams on twitch!

maybe she is open for mining requests etc

how to get there:

take TNT to Storis ll
take the portal east (just on your left side when u enter Storis ll from TNT)


Awww thx @HOST I appreciate it been very and stressed and you been a great support


I don’t know if you already knew about this:


Here you can check prices from other selling and request baskets/shops.

Left u some t6 speed hammers, im shure u can use them. Check your inventory @iamfreckles215

Have fun!


Thank u and yes I have the price list


Your very welcome :slight_smile: your an amazing streamer and you have achieved much in a short time in game keep up, but also take the needed rest when needed ,don’t burn yourself out! There’s many people out there to help when needed we are a strong community!

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HOST is correct…I have to take breaks every now and then and I only upload Boundless once a week. (or maybe I’m just lazy)…lol

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