I understand where you come from, but I’d have to agree that this doesn’t seem like a good fit for the ?issues people are bringing up… also I’m not 100% sure which specific issue this would target and/ or how it would help. I think people buying up others products and then trying to resell at a lower price will hurt the reseller more than it hurts the economy.
The 2 points I’ve seen raised here are “I’m not selling” and “i cant buy”. Both of these (i think) come mainly from 2 places- the ability of any player to gather / make any item AND players being more willing to spend time doing so rather than coin.
I’ve previously pointed out that having more, predictable sources of income would incentivise me into spending more freely, as I could conceivably get coin from doing what i like to pay for what i rather wouldn’t be doing.
Since, I’ve seen many people stating that more content would solve this issue - and after much thought i have to agree it would help. Not saying its the holy grail the economy needs, but as items expand, so will the amount of time needed to be totally self sufficient (assuming this magical “content” includes items with wear & tear).
Combining the above two ideas, i think sustainable coin generation and an unreasonably large amount of items to craft / create / use will eventually mean thats it isnt feasible to DIY and go it all solo all the time, and after all thats what trade was made for (irl).