Should I build some horizontal portals? I was going to do some in fountains a-la-Neithlands. Would people buy them? Would people find them annoying to use? (The big 4x4 one might become the new portal from Ultima Mall to Legendville Mall)
I love flat portals, would be fun if the other end dropped in front a height to get a good look at the city before you land… softly hopefully
Haha - what planet are u on? I would build them on Finata and on Tana if people are interested
The only problem with them is if you never leave the portal and just go back in forth in it, you eventually die.
I guess rapidly going in and out portal stasis is lethal to Oortians.
Last I checked the portal doesn’t allow that anymore. But maybe I had the portals too far away. And that would only work if you have it set up to drop back in the other one which wouldn’t be able to be done in this case since they wouldn’t be in the same beacon
Wait what? I’ve never seen a flat portal, could it actually be in the game?
Yup they work fine. I used to use them all the time. Don’t know why I stopped using them actually.
I thought they didn’t work any more. They use to, and there was a great little pool based portal hub near Ancient Gate, that I used. But then it closed and I thought the flat ones stopped working.
I thought it got nerfed cos people were building ones that lead to death
I can check later today or tomorrow. Last time I used one was two updates ago I believe. So maybe something has changed since then. I know 1x1 no longer work, but far as I know/remember that’s the only one that doesn’t work anymore.
If this works @DKPuncherello I have an insane idea you will want to get involved with
I’m on Alnitans so don’t think I’ll be linking up but I’ll def swing round for hop through when they’re up
ow yeah
i used to run a slide train you slide in a drop portal
and drop out on top elsewhere so i had stations to slide from to another
we currently running one on the embassy hub arcade room
that drops ya in a massive human sized pinball machine def come test it
I forgot about that portal. Thanks for saving me Oort on testing
you can go as small as a one block portal i think well in beta ya could if you build one make sure ya got empty space under it to fall
our you just be standing in it and dont warp lol
Unless this got removed recently there are several portal falls in game. Legendville had a big one.
I think you need two blocks before you can interact now. You might need a 2x2 to go flat.
2by1 flat works thats how our current one is
Come test, they’re up in Legendville Mall!
they are in the game
I think @BartFasterThanU that QuimbyBoundless did find out himself about 5 years ago.