Shovel skills, do you have them?

I’m researching how much damage people get out of shovels. Maybe the forums could help me?

On your most shovel-specialised character/skillpage, you have

  • Shovel Epic
  • Shovel Mastery 5/5
  • Damage Epic
  • Power Attribute 8/8
  • All Attributes 5/5

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Soil and trunk harvester, as close as I come to full dex, and I never build or chisel with him.

Damage epic and durability drain as well. Hes at 100/100 due to having atmosphere and travel skill for t7.

So that’s pretty optimal, I’m just wondering how common it is to have a skillpage/character pretty much dedicated for shovel/axe stuff :thinking:

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My main is built as such:

  1. Hunter
  2. Miner
  3. Lumberjack/Digger
  4. Crafter
  5. Healer

My alt:

  1. Crafter/Shopkeeper
  2. Forger/Shopkeeper
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That’s why we have all the EFC farms on Besevrona. Same loot as on level 6 planets but you can one hit the blocks without the shovel talents, even with a much faster topaz (soft) or ruby (hard) shovel. (And if you have the talents everything can be farmed with a topaz shovel.)

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I’ve used 2 of these. very nice farms.

Exactly :slight_smile: And some of them can be farmed even lower than T5, depending on what you’re after.

Because I just play the one character, when I want to harvest soil or other shovel-type blocks for a while, I tend to change my Hammer epic into Shovel/Axe epic, but otherwise, I rarely ever have the Shovel/Axe epic. Every 5 or so levels I get skill point refund points for the reason that I switch some epics like that now and then.

If I don’t feel like changing the epic, such as if I’ve done so recently already, then I’ll just use brews or whatever to compensate for it. :slight_smile:

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My main has one skill page dedicated to shovel and axe stuff…

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have a page each for miner and gather/digger with full skill build setup. May as well be fully set up to tackle any level planet in case I want a specific colour block from higher tier planets.

Doesn’t soil have a lower base damage that’s needed period? Could most miners just mitigate the need for the epic with increased forged damage?

I find the t6 worlds just have ‘fuller’ spawns . Everyone complains about bitter beans but that’s never been a problem for me though I have an alt designed specifically for that farming run. It’s mostly why I farm on the higher tier worlds in general.

Maybe not specific to shovel and axe epic but as a result of farming those planets so much more I find myself enjoying those areas more so farm everything there, efficiency in that case isn’t a factor.

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I heard the thread title in Samuel L Jackson’s shouty Pulp Fiction voice.


Yes, but you can skimp on tool and forge costs with high skills :slight_smile:

Oh, mud ash and gravel are as hard as rocks.

That is good information to have! I didn’t realize that! I more wonder how all the ash stays in place…

Also, you can use ruby or topaz shovels instead of diamond for soil. If you’ve never tried them you really should, especially coupled with a speed brew. :slight_smile:

Everyone but my hunter prefers not to get their hands dirty. Well, and my builder but that’s only when he’s doing gardening.

Whats the minimum number of shovel skills needed if you maximized the forge effects? Wasn’t there a calculator somewhere?

That should be it?

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