Show us your first builds in the C++-Worlds

cool, i like how it looks better


In steam there is no update, I still see the same

Maybe this will help you. You need a Beta-Key.


Beat me to it- I should not read and drive anyway.

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That seems like a really bad idea yeah :smiley:

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that helped a lot thanks

Update…and still building.

After cutting some trees.

A landingpad, if i get visit, or any ufo comming around.
Yes, i know @KuroKuma, its not symmetrical… :slight_smile:

Entry and inside from maze.


Wow, you’re putting these textures to great use!

The ice walls look especially awesome


Sometime this week, I’d like to visit some builds in the C++ version in a video, so if any of could kindly send me co-ordinates, that’d be amazing!


I will get you mine tomorrow night


Eu01 680,160,110. Its a tunnel/road to there, over the lake from capital-portal.


I wonder what’ll happen with your giant “uncovered” buildings when dev’s implement regeneration o.o

One dev said, they test things live on these servers rigt? Don’t find the post anymore. Does that mean they will probably implement regeneration? Or is this too big change that need fresh new worlds?

by the way, someone on the current c++ eu servers? if yes which?

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You need to generate additional information while initially generating the world as far as I understood. So I’d say we’d need new worlds for that. But @lucadeltodecso could tell us more about the details of that.

I think they only test models like creatures and plants on the live servers. Everything else would be to risky I’d imagine^^

And yes EU2, you should come in the TS^^

This is just a test-server, so the worlds will be gone anyway. I just have to much time, and love building…
But yes, its a problem, you cant becon in all builds, 1000 of blocks long roads and tunnels. Hope they get a solution to mark and protect man-made structures from regenerating, I It would be sad if you only stay to build in small beacons…


Yea it seems most of us have one or the other problem with the beacon system that’s in place at the moment. So I hope they change it too^^
Maybe a bit bigger and more flexible and I’m happy^^

EU2 Coords: 1538, 65, 534
Just my little home I built for the time being^^

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I’m kind of fond of the US1 capital… and there is a cool village on the other side of the portal… I even believe @Rolco may have an open bar o.O


love it!! so calming and love the vine effect of the new leaves :smiley:

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TestEU1, (-367,65,-63)

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The ice textures look really beautiful. Different to what I’ve seen before in an experimental form made by the developers. Those already had been beautiful.

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