Show us your first builds in the C++-Worlds

Hey there

As we now have some new possibilities through new textures and some more kinds of blocks I think it’s time to show our new buildings there to ourself. Keeping in mind that we now have to mine every block that we use to build it will also be a show of some hard labor :wink: … Of cause you can also put in some WIP-projects :slight_smile:

I will begin with my small mountain hut … tried to get a good looking style - didn’t! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

<img src=“/uploads/default/original/2X/e/e76fc54d71f5a721641ab139018eb67a63807a39.jpg” width=“690”



I’m really loving the new wood plank textures


I take back what I said about the orange wood feeling weird, it looks great when used in larger quantities.


@Predatoxic built an underground loft and bar beneath trees. It is difficult to describe, but the entrance is great with all the leaves hanging from above toghether with the treetrunks and planks.

My spot in the mountain, soon done with a simple road/tunnel to the start-portal.


The circle looks so asymmetrical T_T

Yes, fix it later…

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(I couldn’t resist ;; )


Truer than I want it to be xD

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My WIP cave house ^^ (inspired by @FrostyCupCakes frosty shrub)



Ooh, those leaves drape over the lamp blocks nicely! Makes a nice natural feel

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wow, looks great! :smiley: … but I realise again, that the colors are to vibrant. I realy like the “drawing” of the wood textures, but they are just to much orange for my taste. Also some of the ground blocks have the same problem (in my eyes). But since this is somehow also a balancing matter it could be “regulated” or kept in mind when there will be some new/next beta worlds :wink:

But to come back to your building: Yes, the tree and the hanging leaf blocks look terrific. gives a warm druidic cave feeling. Now I want to tame some crits to go there with them and live a life in balance with nature! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I rather like the wood actually makes it seem very fresh and alive.

The gravel could mesh a bit better though and the dirt could overlap a bit farther into the stones.


All colors are affected by the sun, that have stopped at a evening orange hue (the day/night-cycle is off).

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I made a basic house near the portal - already famous as it’s been in @Squidgy 's latest video :stuck_out_tongue:


yes the house from you and me was just finished(ok my house is not finished still, the roof still left XD) round 1/2 day before the video, and he found the new lantern in front of my house XD.and yes the last version of the lantern looks better as this version

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I disagree.
IMO the old one didn’t look like a lantern at all and didn’t fit most of my buildings. It looked way too modern. The current one is more lantern like (That’s a fact).
I still hope the old one will make it into the game later. It was a very alien looking light block (but not a good lantern IMO)


i found the white light much more better as the yellow, if i want a yellow light i still had the torch.

And if I want white light I still have gleam ^^
I’m only talking 'bout textures now. And I think the current one looks like an actual lantern (wich many people wanted). It could use some work though. The texture looks a bit flat.

Also colored lanterns would be super awesome

gleam had only a weak light

and i found the old lantern from texture and from the light better ^^

but this yes ^^ such like the gleam