Sign details seem to always go to the report page now?


Press E:


I also posted about this yesterday. Not sure exactly how long it has been going on, but has been a problem. Your pictures make a much better explanation than I did. It seems character dependent too? A couple people told me that can read them on an alt, but not on another character.

I have this occasionally. It usually resolves itself after a while, usually after reconnecting or leaving/reentering the world. It’s been happening for a while now but I cannot reproduce it on command

Thanks for the reports. There’s definitely something odd going on here, so it has been added to the bug database.

Ive never been able to read info on signs. Report only, a 100hours+ ps4

After most recent update (hooray for line breaks on PS4!) Still cannot read more on signs. Just, a note.

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The fix wasn’t ready in time for the current update, but it should be there in the next update.