All-or-nothing build
All-or-nothing means that I pick skills I think are a must for builder/crafter and I should have enough skill points to have them maxed out when reaching level 50. These skills are:
- all Crafting skills
- all Chisel Masteries
- Control attribute
TOTAL SKILL POINTS - around 650 (current live)
All-or-nothing I imagine as a “sacrifice” build where I really want very narrow specialization. That kind of builder/crafter would sit in his base, travel through warps and portals rather than on foot. I am happy to use copper/iron tools (be it a grapple. a hammer, a shovel or an axe). If I have to break higher tier blocks when building it’s ok to use gold hammer with no mastery. If it comes to fighting its the same, I am happy with a copper/iron sling - no masteries needed (that’s assuming I won’t be outside too much if it’s not a home world).
There are skills there that I find secondary and happy to have them at 50-75% of possible level and expect to have enough Skill Points for them:
- Inventory Space 2
- Jump 2
- Shadow Effect 3
- Health Regeneration 3
- Death Reduction 3
- Item Durability 3
TOTAL POINTS around 280
And skills I can have on lower level:
- Vitality/Power/Dexterity/Agility/Energy all at 3
- Stamina Regeneration 2
TOTAL POINTS just below 100
That leaves me with less than 200 Skill Points. Now I can get let’s say Warp Distance 1 and maybe Light Source 1 and add 1-2 levels on some attributes (maybe get full Attributes Bonus). Thats over 100 Skill points gone. There is still enough to get something else, like maybe Impact Armor (falling more likely than creature caused death with this certain play style).
New update brings 300 additional Skill Points but also a lot of expensive crafting skills that use it anyway.
All-rounder build.
In this one I pick an area of crafting that I am not interested in. I aim at being able to craft most, but not all items available in game. So, maybe I will give up food crafting or brew crafting (from current testing update). Or I won’t craft weapons, or maybe decorations are not my thing. That could save me 100 maybe 150 or even 200 Skill Points depending on how big is the branch of crafting I’m giving up.
These points go now towards skills that will let me be more active in other areas:
- limited hunting (by getting Sling Mastery 4 and buffing Vitality and Health Regeneration plus maxing out Death Penalty Reduction)
- limited mining/gathering (by getting Hammer/Shovel/Axe Masteries up to 2-3 level or pick one of them for level 4; again buffing Vitality and maxing out Death Penalty Reduction)
- other ideas (Tax Reduction for shop keeping? Warp Distance for easier traveling? Grapple Mastery 2-3 or even 4?)
Thats whats possible with current 1200 Skill Points in current live version.
Question now is: should we have more than 1200 Skill Points (or 1500 after 187 goes live)? So even the all-or-nothing build have more secondary options (examples use for extra points below):
1.Maxed out Death Penalty Reduction and/or Tool Durability
2. Combination of Masteries between 1 and 4 for Hammer/Shovel/Axe/Grapple/Sling
3. Warp Distance, Light Source, Inventory Space above level 2
4. Armor and/or Resistance of sort
5. Atmosphere Protection when it comes in future?
6. Higher levels of secondary Attributes.
I myself would think that in current live version an additional 100 points would be great. I would think about level 1 masteries for tools and sling.
I am of opinion that being able to have more additional skills should mean dropping some of the crafting ones (thus creating the all-rounder builder/crafter spec that needs to buy some of the materials/items to make up for missing crafting abilities). That should encourage trading meaning a big plus for well working market system. If we can have all crafting skills and still be quite strong/fast/resistant to perform hunting/mining/exploring with solid efficiency, than we might well scrap off alt system and forget encouraging people to specialize, trade etc.