Sky Diamond Outlets - 25,000c for new shop builds!

If the game provided a way to contact the owners of beacons when they haven’t placed a mailbox, I would do so. Unfortunately they haven’t, so naming them in this post was the best option for getting in contact.

Thanks for the constructive criticism. I look forward to visiting and enjoying your builds, and seeing how they add something unique to the game. :heart:

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I agree 100%. Having more options can’t possibly be a bad thing, and I like seeing how others approach the same task. I also really like having multiple portal networks, as they all offer new locations to visit and explore.

Some people just seem to have a problem with gleam builds, which I’ll never understand. It’s not what you use to build, it’s how you build with it. This project for me was a long-term build to help with my anxiety and depression, and having something bright and cheerful to work on was key to that. :slightly_smiling_face:


@grayhaze there is nothing wrong with building with gleam… brightens up the place AND we can see it from other planet(s) :smile:

At the end of the day you do you and that is what matters… If you are happy with what you have accomplished in your project then you should be proud of it :blush:


There is nothing wrong with making a post that says “Looking for player 123456, please contact me” :+1:
That way they or someone they know might see & respond to your post. (They probably won’t see a buried comment in a long thread, with no @.)

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would be nice if we could contact players from inside their beacon, not needing mailbox. even better, if the current mailbox had an item slot to send people stuff