Slingbow - Base Projectile Weapon Concept

We like all the designs, but here’s some reasoning behind the one we’ve developed further:

  • We want something that looks a bit more original and unique to Oort, rather than just a cool looking crossbow.
  • #4 looks like a good wood Slingbow, but there’s going to be multiple wood, stone, metal and gem variants, so we need something that looks like it’s more made out of one recognisable material (in this case, stone)
  • There’s going to be multiple projectile shapes and types. Pointy and flat ended. Piercing, blunt and explosive. Most of those projectile designs will probably get used in some form at some point.
  • Oort Cubes will be part of the crafting recipe, which for this weapon uses 1 cube (so we’ve gone with a 1 cube variant)
  • Addition: we’re hoping to all Oort Cubes in different colour variants, giving you a bit of colour customisation over your weapon, so we extended the Oort Cube energy detail to give it more impact.

Better get in touch with Mattel so they can start making Nerf toys of these :wink: Imagine being hit in the head by a big block foam arrow :laughing:


I really like the sound of this!

Some major Anime studios in Japan rate a show’s potential in a foreign country by doing a case study on how many people were interested in the toys after watching an episode. No lie.

It would be great if Oort was so successful that it could monetize on the toy market as well.


ill buy a life size titan thanks…


So like light saber crystals in starwars? neat.


Yeah, pretty much!


A combination of 5 and 7 would be nice too, i kinda like such slingshots" :smiley:

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While it’s “slingbow”, not “arbalest” or “crossbow”, IMHO the best of concepts is only the first (#1) and the fifth (#5). Good ammo for slingbow I regard first simple stones: 1, 7, 3.

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We need use the Chisel!

I love the Sling bows 4 and 5, and as ammo, i’d go for 7 of 5

weapon 4
ammo 2 or 4

I made a slingbow from stone have 10 arrows but its not shooting anything i have no idea how to load it yet its still using durability when not shooting anything…

Drop the ammo onto the slingbow slot

I tried that as well the Ammo goes into the slot the slingbow gets picked up…

nothing like geting camped by npcs because my weapon wont load…

Are you dragging the ammo into the slingbow on your hotbar or in your inventory?

I drag it from my invitory onto the Quickuse Radial Bindings boxes on the bottom right

… figured it out thx

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You need to drag it onto your slingbow in your inventory. Dragging it to the radial puts the arrows in your hand.

im litterly being camped by 4 range shooting npc … this is silly…