So... bored

Well, to be honest, man, I’ve been playing this game since alpha. I have a to-do list that’s a mile long, but the tasks that I have set up for myself just aren’t satisfying. I’m 50+ (if it was counting past that, I’d be like 70+) on two characters and over 30 on the other eight. Alts aren’t really doing it for me, since I set up a little factory to grind out my early game feats and get over 30 (with Teaching Pies) with relative quickness. If I really wanted to, I could delete a character, and take another completely ridiculous name. Currently I have some gems; Hand. Head. Gas. Bojack. Craft. Etc… but, TBH, there’s no point in deleting and remaking characters. The skill sets as they are limit the usefulness and uniqueness of alts passed the point of 2-3. I make all the best foods, all the best brews, all the best tools. I have a character that is a max level miner, and breezes through resource gathering, which is great, and is working as intended, since I earned that. However, at a point, there’s nothing to do. Even if I get the rest of my build done on Cardass, there’s nothing to populate the whole thing. I wanted to build some facsimile of an NPC village, maybe not with NPCs, but at least to look like it would function as one. I think I’ve done an “okay” job of it, building it myself, but it still lacks the energy that I feel like it should have.

So, to make this point at my own expense, and much to @Etcher’s shagrin, I am bored. The game boasts many features that it doesn’t currently have, and I have made several posts alluding to this, but let’s just go with the big three. The ones that are literally the taglines of the game itself.

Build: Yeah. We can do that, and with the sculpting update, (however long ago that was) we can make some impressive things. But they all lack life and diversity. Designing out something that is impressive and large doesn’t actually use the space that it occupies. With the exception of major hubs and easily accessible / marked capitals, they don’t get any sort of appreciation. It really limits the world size and scope. Which actually feeds into the second point.

Explore: There is nothing to explore. Every planet, whether a T1 or a T6 offers so very little in that regard. Repetitive biomes and textures leave an overtly homogenized feeling. There’s no nooks or crannies that offer prebuilt structures or unique locales. The worlds feel flat, and once you’ve seen about 10% of the world, you could pretty much walk away knowing that’s all you need to see. Apart from filling the atlas, which provides a marginally entertaining distraction, there is no real unique resource or experience. The gems change, sure. The surface resource allocation may vary, but there’s no actual indigenous or exotic thing that grabs you. The exploration should actually get you enticed to do it. Some easy suggestions would be journal entries, that could be a line or two of text that explain how / why that region came to exist. Or even a beastiary that lets you see the different premutations of creatures. Something. Anything. There’s no story in this game, so there’s no imaginary exploration. There’s no reason really to delve into nifty fissures or caves, because there is no actual uniqueness. I remember reading that you guys individually curated each planet. Maybe you could give us some insight as to why you did X, Y, or Z.

Craft: Well, you guys got that covered. There’s a good and extensive list of things to craft. But… there’s nothing that differentiates my iron chisel from anyone else’s. There’s no brand. Again… no uniqueness. I feel like there’s a thousand other shops doing the exact thing I am, and apart from forging, I can’t make something that is truly a find. It’s just one of the many.

So, why I’m bored of Boundless, in a nutshell, or TL:DR: I feel like my impact on the world doesn’t matter, and even if it did, the world is so vanilla as it is, it just sort of blends into everything else.

Oh, and @Steggs101, to answer your questions, there’s a post that answers the dungeons question pretty well.

I can tell you the exact moment I got bored, and that was right after my friends stopped playing because they thought the game lacked content.