So... bored

lvling alts isnt at all slow. its the quickest way to progress, while having a huge variety of tasks to do, so what u do gets almost never boring…
maybe try it once, just for the lols and because theres nothing else to do and because ur bored? What could u lose? some cubits?.. aw whatever, as if i care >,.<

The idea actually is that player builds become the ancient temples and hqs and rocket bases that can be explored. And thats why the dungeon thing is actually a great idea. make player builds more interesting, dangerous, rewarding:
player should be able to claim catacomb plots, where they can build their traps, creature spawns, mazes, obstacles, riddles whatver :D. By playing through and beating a catacomb u eventually get special loot, which contains stuff to build inside ur own catacomb. if players die inside the catacomb, the owner gets soul stones needed to plot bigger catacombs or something like that >.< idk sounds fun for me

I love you, Steggs. Let’s get married.


But the entirety of the game as it is now is from another game… Isn’t that kind of contradictory?

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I’d like to see a way to bring more life to our cities and builds. We hunt for the materials we need, build huge structures, and they sit empty. There needs to be interactions, games, etc., just ways to use the space of the structures we create. It would be incredible if it could be all player created content. Even to create dungeons, or other ideas posted earlier in this thread.

Something that I’d love to see in game is Lore. Using bits of info to tell a story would be a very great thing. Even Ark has little Lore bits that tell small stories about the world(s). Bits from the ancient Oortians as well as the current culture that is using pieces of its old tech to build a colonial frontier. I’m really wanting to find some story besides the one in my own head to sink my teeth into.

Heck, I’m building a starship that I’m planning on presenting as an obsolete museum piece of the old Oortian civilization that happened to survive mostly intact and then was repaired and re-purposed by our current surviving culture. And I’ve no idea how well that would fit into the actual story of the Oort.


We talked about this in another post:

Also, I tend to think making the current planets more interesting to explore is more exciting to me than more grind or dungeons or whatever. One way to do that would be to introduce different grades or quality blocks. So, for instance, you might be able to find silty soil on any planet, but it’s usually poor quality silty soil, or average at best. To find the good stuff, you don’t just need to travel to a higher tier world, you need to know where the soil is rich enough to spawn excellent or even pure silty. This could work for any block - soil, trunk, rock, foliage - and even resources - earthyams, leaves, meat (waxy vs. exotic are types of earthyam, not necessarily a grade). The purpose of such a system would be two-fold:

  • People will explore planets more thoroughly, looking for semi-randomly spawned locations of clusters of higher-grade blocks and resources. These clusters should not be completely random, however. In order to give flavor to planets, they can be known to spawn certain qualities, or higher percentage chance for one or two types of blocks (e.g., you won’t find high-grade clay on Serpensarindi, chances for that are better on Till).
  • People will be able to craft more original versions of their “same ol’ recipes.” No longer will an iron hammer be just like every other iron hammer. Did you use high-grade iron? That would affect the durability. Better quality sticks? That would affect action speed and/or damage. What about those fiberous leaves used in the sackcloth? Better leaves make for a better grip and also affect DPS. These changes to items should be small (like +/- 10 points of damage here, +/- 3 action speed there).

EDIT: The example I use of an iron hammer is limiting. This idea would include all blocks. Rocks, trunks, everything would have a quality rating, and provide benefits to existing recipes or create more decorative blocks or props. No new tools being suggested here.

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Exactly! Where is this game?

While I understand the need to create more to do in the game, all this seems to do is make it more grindy. Now I have to look for good iron versus poor iron. While I do think they need to find some way to add content to the game, I hope they do not do it by further complicating the gathering and mining process and creating even more levels of tools. The centraforge already creates enough variation in tools it is very hard to know what a reasonable price is. I feel that doing this just makes it harder for the person buying something to be able to determine what a fair price is.


For me this game is a sandbox building game with some other fun features. The problem is that once you build something it’s just there and you either tear it down and build something new or go somewhere else and build something new.

I would like to see the ability to attack buildings. Either with a special beacon type or a permission level setting, I should be able to designate my building as attackable to a select list of other players or to everyone. I would like to be able to build siege weapons and use them to destroy buildings. Then I could build them up again and attack them again.

Not a hard mechanic to add and it would be something to do.

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the devs are too much on the soft side. seiges will never happen. Dev’s said it would be “At least a year” before we see any pvp, if at all. Honestly the devs are ignoring their player base. IT will bite them in the ass in the long run.

Edit: Also this, from the publisher.

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I think there is so much untapped opportunity here. Commerce is such an integral mechanic of this game, it’s almost a shame that all the products we craft are so…cookie-cutter. For a few examples, I’d love to see things like: pattern/logo overlays and etchings, the ability to “sculpt” things like the head/handle of a hammer, or the ability to change alloy characteristics/colors based on a metal-mix ratio.

There are so many possibilities to allow a player to create a brand; a little imagination would go a long way here. Seriously, how cool would it be to see players running around with a truly unique tool in their hand that you know you created?

Beacon-wide buff emitters could be an interesting mechanic. By that I mean, allow us to craft some kind of (end-game tier) machine that emits buffs affecting all those who enter. For example, say I’m out hunting in the harsh wilderness of Alcyon. I see a lone tower off on the horizon. As of right now, what’s my incentive to take a detour? Not much. But if there was a chance the owner’s lonely lighthouse emitted a 5% damage buff, even if it only lasted 10 minutes, I’d be much more inclined to swing by.

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Why does it have to be End Game? What does there need to BE an ‘End Game’?

The game is meant to be a Sandbox, why do people need to be at ‘End Game’ to be able to access that feature? Why not just allow anyone access to it? Or if you have to limit it, why not limit it by Skill, or even better a Class, and not by time or hardwork?

Why limit a great idea, to only a very select people and drive away the others that will never be able to access it?

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I would love it if I could build an atmospheric protection beacon. Something that allowed lower level characters to visit my build. I mean, they may not be able to go out on the surface and “explore”, but at least my little town should be safe, right?

Because this is an “MMO”, (a catch all excuse for people to say that things can be anything, from time gates or progression barriers.) and people want to have a feeling of progression and (to some degree) a measure of their success. TBH, Endgame to me usually means that the game is just starting. My time in other games and experience in the psychology of the game worlds leads me to believe that leveling / learning / all that stuff is the expected groundwork to get to the real fun parts of the game. Also, limiting block types and stuff ties into prestige, making harder to acquire blocks have higher prestige values. If every block, regardless of how long it took to obtain, had the same value, we’d have even more refined gleam buildings and mudhuts.

Also, I went and played some other games, at the suggestion of @Etcher and came back with a sense of disappointment. Maple Story 2, which was released 2 weeks ago, already has a huge - booming - community with thousands of things to do. There are thousands of props and blocks. People can even input their own images for posters and other decorative objects. The game has an impressive freeform element to it. There are dungeons and crafting skills that vary. There’s fishing and “farming”. There’s all the things I was hoping boundless would have. Granted, I won’t play the game for an extended period of time, because they have some pretty unique spins on P2W mechanics, like P2B (Pay to Bot) that farms XP and items for you when you’re AFK or gone. There’s also P2C (Pay to Craft) that forces you to pay to get higher end equipment. It makes for an exclusive game environment, where there are distinct groups of “haves” and “have-nots”. But there are some interesting things too, that I almost wish the Boundless crew would / should take a look at, barring the complete and total rejection of any P2 mechanics.

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This would be perfect for the science build I’m making on alnitans. Just a beacon wide emitter to allow visitors.

Like a vacation beacon or something for those who want to temporarily visit builds on high tier planets.


I disagree on the grind part. The reason being, that what I think it will actually do is create variety for vendors/crafters (Who says a vendor has to sell the highest quality? Maybe they sell average goods cheaper than most, or medium quality for a bargain price), and more breakpoints for consumers (maybe your current miner skill points make it so you don’t need the best iron hammer to most efficiently break rock on T5 planets, maybe “great” hammers work the best for you).

EDIT: Keep in mind, unlike gems or other types of materials, new quality levels of existing ingredients don’t gate anything. They are not needed, so grind is not an issue.

That’s because this game hasn’t used tag words to easily gauge at a glance what something is. Is it an Iron Hammer (average), or an Iron Hammer of excellent damage, great durability? With the Forge or a new quality ingredient system, you can easily use descriptors so customers can make fair assumptions on what the item they’re glancing at does.

A lot of people don’t enjoy truly open-ended games. I’m certainly one of that crowd. Having challenging goals to strive for (and achieve) is where you derive a lot of enjoyment. “End game” mechanics tend to be of a variety that keep you on the goal treadmill, even after you’ve plateaued the leveling process (or whatever growth mechanic the game has).

D3’s rifts (and item gen, if constrained), I think would be a good example of an end game mechanic that would suit Boundless well.

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To be fair, this is learned behavior and expectations, not an absolute rule to how online games need to be. Just because you were taught this way, doesn’t mean we can’t have a more horizontal progression system.

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While this is true, I think it’s a flawed way of thinking, depending on how you view the game and progression and success.

If the Devs and the Players, treat the game like an MMORPG, so like Archage, or SWG, where there are some creative bits, but the RPG Elements are the main focus, leveling, skills, and progressing to get higher things. Then of course Progression and Success at that progression matters. This is what’s happening right now, where people can get very frustrated with how hard it is to level up, and being forced to level up multiple alts. But there could be more.

The game is marketed as, and talked about by the community and devs, as a Creative Sandbox, more like Minecraft, Playstation Home, and Second Life. Where the ‘Progression’ and ‘Success’ is more in creating stuff for yourself and other people to enjoy, than bigger numbers, skills, and levels.

Boundless blends the two, having Levels, Skills required to do certain things, a very heavy focus on combat to ‘kill’ blocks to look them, and so on. It forces people to think about progression, skill, and being successful in the game. It focus on ‘Combat’ and grind, and thus makes me want more. More ‘combat’, aka things to hit and pick up. More grind. More activities.

Where as with a Creative Sandbox, it would be about more stuff to use to create. Take Minecraft for example. Even the basics when it started in Survival, people loved the heck out of it, even tho it was so simple. And when it updated over the years, got more and more complex, it didn’t add extra grind to the game, it added extra creative devices. Fences, Glass, Glass Panes, Stone Bricks, Netherworld, and so on.

The people didn’t go “Oh yes! More grinding to do to progress!” Cause other than the Materials for Tools, and how to get those materials, there is no ‘Progression’ in the game. Anything else can be mined and done with anything else, in any order, at all point in time. Compare that to Boundless, where you need certain skills and thus a certain level, with certain tools to be able to just get onto T6 worlds and able to break the resources and blocks there, and not get mobbed by the enemies.

Which ultimately, I think is what’s holding Boundless back. The excuse it needs an End Game, the excuse it’s an MMO and thus needs a grind. The excuse it needs to be hard, and not simple and easy. Some people like the grind, yes. But it’s been proven, again and again, that the majority of players don’t like grinding, and pointless repetition. It’s even been shown already, that the number of players since release and now, even in the middle of the game’s first major event, is halfed on the PC, and it wasn’t even that big to start with, compared to any other ‘MMO’ game.

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