So... bored

The thing is, will these T7 planets have anything worth going there for except more of the same but in a higher difficulty environment? I would rather that content is created to make what we have right now more interesting than just higher level worlds with the same resources ( in varying amounts) and harder blocks to hit.

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I 100% agree with this! One thing that sucks about being a Shop Owner, is that when customer looks at a Shop Stand they see ‘X number of Items being Sold for Y amount’. Meanwhile the Shop Owner, or alts with permissions, just see ‘X number of item, Y coins to pickup’. It would be nice if we could see the whole shop’s inventory at once, instead of having to go to each stand. But also would be nice if it tracked how many of each item were sold.

^ Being a Iron Tools seller, it would be nice to see at a glance, how many Iron Axes sold yesterday so I know how many to make today. Instead I have to go to each shop stand, remember how many was in there before and how many are there now, and manually math it out that X number was sold and needed to be replace.

Another issue I have is specifically with Request Baskets. The Customers can see ‘Buying “X” Number of item for Y Each’. That “X”? The shop owners have NO WAY of know that info, without using a Calculator, punching in how much money is in the budget, and divide by the price set for the item. It would be nice if the UI told you on say, the Budge Screen, or the Price Screen, how many items you’d ‘Buy’ with the amount set on the Budget.


I’m nowhere near bored with the game but after Chev elaborated I can see his point

Yeah, that’s just it. That’s where it really gets grindy and why I move on from most games after a while (oh, great, another mob just like the other mob).

I think instanced dungeons programmed content and the ability to form ephemeral groups (content is instanced by groups; there is a group chat) would add nice variation from time to time. I imagine subscription (private) planets could provide something similar, as long as they could provide user-programmable content that’s not just grinding for resources just like grinding for resources everywhere already is.

It comes down to the fact that the only way to keep something fresh and new is to keep it fresh and new.

There are the 3 gems that are in game already, but just don’t drop yet. Blink, Dark Matter?.. and something else.

Rift is the third one.

There definitely is a need for some end game content but I know it is coming down the pipe eventually. For now I enjoy building my megaproject of a tower and I enjoy the chill times I have with this game so it’s always got a place for me.

Though if I am looking for a more active and involved experience I have other games I play. Instanced dungeons/planets/raids would be a good addition to this I think.

EDIT: Randomized temporary planets with higher teir monsters or bosses could also be cool for exploration and a fresh experience each time. As long as they don’t have unique resources that can only be found on that specific version of a planet during it’s limited lifespan.

EDIT 2: Probably the biggest thing driving me to log in every day is the guild I’m part of. I spend a lot of my time hanging around in voice chat doing stuff in game with other guildmates and having a great time. If I was on my own I would be more disinterested for sure. I think an in game guild system could also help a bunch with keeping people engaged. Every MMO i played for any significant period of time i stuck with because of the awesome people in guilds I joined and I know this is the case for many other players in MMOs as well.

EDIT 3: I also hope that new materials make tools and such with unique flair and purpose instead of just doing more damage. Bombs that teleport you to the impact point ala enderman orbs in minecraft (maybe friends as well through forging), hammers that are the only material able to gather other high teir blocks or grapples that let you mount cuttles.

Sorry for all the edits I didn’t wanna make more posts.


My only concern with concrete guilds is that as long as their is not a physical bonus to joining a guild that would work, other wise it would put solo players at a disadvantage – due to any type of ‘allowance’ system.

This is of course out side of player to player transactions. That is of course fine, but just as long as it’s not like you get coins or materials specifically for playing in a guild vs solo.

I think chances to find unique events would be interesting, whether it’s a ruined oort spaceship that crashed landed and you can scavenge from the wreckage or find like lore pages that explains what is happening out in the cosmos and what the oorts are up to in space.

Similar to what meteors do now, except pre crafted ships that wreak and skip across land?

And you can grab like iron bits and smelt them down to base iron or gold or copper, or find some gems the oortian was hauling?

Or have temporary “portals” that open up to hidden worlds or caves for say a bunch of glowmushrooms that drop shimmering orbs.

You mean copy the idea of Wormhole Space from Eve Online? Portals opening and closing randomly around on different planets, leading to spaces you can explore and even build inside of, but the exist portals can lead to anywhere and everywhere, including other spaces to explore?

I’m not sure, I haven’t played eve online…so I could not verify

And not build inside, but more like hidden troves of “treasure” or sought after items, something to help explorers

Ah, then you’re looking for… what was it… Diablo 3. Right. Diablo 3 End Game has Portals that open up to Randomly generated dungeons for much higher level gear that is not in the normal base game.

The difference being that in Diablo 3, the portal is always in the same spot, and opened by the players to do that content.

Instead have the same kinda system, randomly generated dungeons, but have the portals randomly showing up anywhere in the game that isn’t a plot owned by a player.

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Possibly, not sure how it would look or if it’s even viable. Just thinking about how to reward exploring, I think I read that somewhere that people wanted more to encourage exploration.

They dont have to be large areas, just like breaks in space time that you get to see for say 1 hr and whoever happens upon them is rewarded for their exploration.

Maybe with like a boss creature or feat to accomplish like grappling over lava

If you don’t know why people get bored with doing the same thing for hours a day, and why it eventually seems like a job Steggs. You need some time in the real world bro, just saying.

This is twice now Steggs, do all UK companies promote censorship?


I’m so sick of grinding I can’t even play anymore myself. Especially when I go out and don’t find any of what I’m actually looking for…

Now they added these spooky seeds that you have to farm hundreds of when each plant drops 1-2, 3 if you’re lucky. Yaaaayyy… another griiinndddddd.

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I’m just gonna leave this here.

and this

please “make boundless Great again”


Ah man I never saw those before but those look epic. If the game was less about time wasting grinds for stuff and more about group and events ran with other players, this game wouldn’t be losing players weekly.

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IKR if some of these things where in the game i feel like i would be able to enjoy it much more.
i don’t know why (i’m sure there was a good reason) 2 creatures where taken out.
or where the hell are those BADASS city builds went to(devs pls build your cities they where fing beautiful)
and that floating bit of magnificence!

That’s a titan :slight_smile: