So... bored

One idea is make jumping/platforming areas, and have it that while in the area you can’t use items, so no breaking or placing stuff, and can’t use the grapple to cheat. Would give players a reason to get the extra jump and climbing perks.

Another dungeon with X number of enemies spawning in randomly, and having to search till the end which has a boss.

Another being empty, and instead full of traps, spikes, falls into the void that kill you, and has puzzles to solve instead.

And at the end of all them, having a chest with select random loot in it, based on the planet the portal is on. So like lvl 6 would have some Gems, while a Metal World would have lots of iron, and Lush world would have lots of Fiberish Leaves and so on.

I feel like the one main limiting factor to having such amazing builds is PLOTS some of those cities would take probably a year at least for someone like me to build.

Because 1 i will not pay for plots and 2 i will not pay for plots

EDIT: I should clarify i have no problem with this game mechanic but, i feel like it punishes people like me who cant afford to drop an extra 2-300$ on a game or spend 8hrs a day power leveling all 10 of my alts for plots


For those interested, in about a month Boundless has lost half of it’s active PC players:

Yeah those are good ideas, some variation and challenges to put player skill to the test and then a good reward at the end for the explorer to sell or keep

i thought the big guy on the right was a titan.
also where the EFF is the gear i would kill for some variety or to not be naked

We already know this, was a whole different thread about this started by @Chivlet

Look at these Numbers!

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This is a great forum but it is plagued by a few trolls who more often than not have useless and pointless comments that most of us don’t care to read.

I’m glad you were quick to jump on this. :clap:


Should of post " #addiction " at the end of your paragraph.

That was the original concept for titans, I think, yeah.

However at some point they came up with this newer, much cooler, idea of Titans:

They’re floating procedurally generated fortresses (dungeons!), full of tough baddies (protectors, etc), maybe some puzzles, and lots of good loot for groups that take them down.

Oh, and you get to harvest titan cores, which are flying blocks that we (I think) can control somehow. Everyone wants an airship :stuck_out_tongue:

I really hope they make it into the game. I always get uncomfortably excited by them


Keep it civil please guys, it’s been a decent read for the most part.


Those 2 videos look dope. Those cities definitely show what the game will be later on imo. This is my first MMO i got into early on (got into WoW late vanilla) so im happy i got my foot in before it gets super popular. I can see the vision and feel the dedication the devs have. I know they want a slow build of playerbase but we could be one patch and one well placed ad away from greatness and we’ll never know until it happens.

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Give players the ability to create dungeons with their plots.

Wonderstruck could create a few neat systems to pull this off.

Allow the creators to wrangle, raise and evolve monsters to place in said dungeons. Wrangling could be like Pokemon, get the critter weak, and then capture them. Leveling them up could be similar in concept to Pokemon, maybe an arena fighting mode. Evolving them could be engineering a food for them through farming or gathering and centraforging it. Centraforging could add the elemental properties that the crazy beasts have on high tier planets. Perhaps a reason to farm those elemental stones they drop, also.

“Dungeons” could be created by a special type of beacon, or maybe it’s a setting in a normal control beacon. Anyone can attempt the dungeon by activating it at the master control beacon/ dungeon beacon.

I think the concept of “activating” a dungeon is interesting because it can turn any build into a dungeon. Bam, your favorite shop becomes infested with critters and traps.

Incentives to complete dungeons could be set by the owner. Weapons, tools, maybe even trading monsters.


Thanks I didn’t see that one

I like the idea but what incentive does the player have to make the dungeon. If the reward is lets say an emerald slingbow does that player create the dungeon and supply the reward?

I guess footfall would be the reward but that probably wouldnt cover the cost to make the weapon

I’m not bored yet, but I can see it coming.

I’m not a builder—or at least, I don’t like building as pure art. I do enjoy building functional things, however. Similarly, meteors and combat are too repetitive to be enjoyable to me (and no exciting loot to keep me coming back). And, honestly, I’m not here for the guild type experience

So, for me (and many others it seems), the current end game is to build a successful shop. Thankfully, I’ve chosen a pretty complicated shop to build, so it’ll keep me busy for a while.

However, once that project is complete, I suspect I will be quite bored. And maintaining a shop (especially large ones) is a huge chore.


I think Wonderstruck needs to think very hard about what they want the end game to be in that sense. There needs to be a reward that is meaningful, and since the current state of the economy seems to be subject to locale, or chaos in general, I have no idea what rewards should stand out. I’m not sure anything is so valuable, honestly.

Personally, I think that combat should be a sort of game in itself, similar to building, crafting, etc.

The meteors are fun in a chaotic sort of way, but there should also be a drive to pursue combat for combats sake. If Wonderstruck wants to pursue that, they should either commit to something like Vermintide’s combat model or forsake 1st Person and do what Conan Exiles did. I would much rather see the Vermintide approach, however.


Such a “Boundless” game where the only end game is owning a shop.


I think the recommendation to take a break is a valid one. People can get burnt out, and no amount of added content can keep them feeling satisfied when they feel that way.

I can start to feel myself getting to this point, especially with so many good games released in the past month and upcoming (rimworld, star control, kingmaker, bard’s tale, fallout 76) that I haven’t played yet.

Of course the developers want people to stay in the game and not play something else. And I do see the validity of also trying to pinpoint things that might cause a player to be bored or what could be added to enhance the experience.

The way i see the game direction right now is very boring for myself.
Make the game more girndy doesn’t make game more challenge…
It just need to spend more time to do the same thing again and again and again…

The monsters still very easy to kill, and mining is still very easy (just need to spend more time)
There is no new content at all (just a few)

There is no more new planet since the population doesn’t increase like the release day.

So yea, i think dungeon / world boss (titan) is really necessary to add to the current game content.
Or some new system can make players have motive to keep playing


I agree @Etcher the complaining can get…well you know, abrasive if you will. But if something like dungeons got put into the game you’d still play how you want. You don’t have to partake in any added content unless you want to.