So i just got mail

Before the change we had the discussion about the Oort Bracelet.

i half jokingly wrote.

Imagine my surprise when James PM’ed me

i was like, he is probably joking, but whats the worst that can happen, i half forgot about it until today when i opened my mail.

So yeah… he was apparently serious, huge respect and huge thanks to @james i wish all people were as down to earth as you and the other devs, cant wait for official merchandise, i am still fully serious about wanting a signed poster, and small sculptures of the oort or titans.

Now i feel obligated to make boundless a success, again, cheers.


D: You wont believe how jealous I am now :stuck_out_tongue:
You do really deserve them though!

Congratulations. I remember how exciting it was to get these. Keep up the great work.

This x 1000000

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(totally not a selfish and desperate try to get james to mail me some too btw 100%)

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want merch, will pay


Totally agree xD


@james I could use a few more as one of mine broke.
Oh, and a few for my friend aswell.

Jokes aside, grats on getting the legendary oort bands!
They will prove that you were part of the game since the beginning :stuck_out_tongue:

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makes it rain with pink bands


I imagine that there will be fun ways to win these at the first Oortcon, I mean BoundlessCon. :smile:

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I would like to get one mailed!


Postage to Australia sucks :frowning:
I’ll get one someday!

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I am kinda envious :smile:

Eh I will get somehting one day.

So everybody who wants some, gets some?

So if its possible i want some too :smiley:

I would rather go to a warzone than be a mailman in australia, holy hell man, everything over there is trying to kill you,


So they could send one to me, here everything is friendly except for the bankers xD

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Please make it rain on me too!
Please senpai ~(^-^)~ <-- kawaii schoolgirl with cat ears

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Lucky you! Karma from free hugs? James just happens to be awesome?..bit of both?

Either way I’m insanely and dorkishly jealous. (and yes, dorkishly is now a word according to me)


Glad that you got those @Zouls. :slight_smile: It is nice when unexpected things.


Almost didn’t get it. Sneaky^^