So multiverse... =>tutorial=>blueprint

Im not mad about it as i see the potential for it :wink:.

Here it is… as it is a way to play offline (considering the trouble im having currently with my own internet). I do feel this can be an “overhaul” (eventually) for how to get started in the live universe.

Adding a (reworked) tutorial to the offline version. Separating inventory and character progress from both (offline inv. and progress and a live one).

To keep the “work” in every version of the universe.
I don’t know how the plotting will occur but. As offline and live would be separated one could say this goes for plots, coin and cubits to.

The reason why I suggested it in this way is because im hoping this would give us the opportunity to make blueprints.
Designing a build in our offline universe.
Saving it to our blueprint “vault” in sanctum (cloud save :wink:).
And the ability to plop down a “construction beacon”.

This would mean that after you plop down your construction beacon;

  • you insert the blueprint.
  • you manually have to plot the entire build area, even up and or down. This can be automated “plot build” (but you need to have all the plots for it).
  • you need to supply the beacon with all the basic tools for it. In addition to all the mats needed to build the structure.
  • mats removed by the “constitution beacon” are lost and not picked up.
  • build time depends on the size of the build. (Say a full plot takes about 8 minutes)
  • afterwards when the structure is build the beacon becomes “regular” and takes on normaal beacon operations.

I have to add the “construction beacon” is kind of like a chest you manually have to fill with all the mats needed to construct that selected build. Its not the same as a normal beacon because you can’t open a reclaim in that beacon but can be reclaimed as a beacon.
(As for mats if you originally would have to use 100 stone-, 30gold-, 40iron-chisels and on to get the shapes in to the build you have to add the same amount to the construction beacon).

Can’t stress enough that a blueprint (in my eyes) can only be made offline. As it has to calculate the full list of needed materials. And all the block placement + chisel strokes.

To add using a “construction beacon” only gives you an “insta (kind of :wink:)” build. No xp, mats (removed from construction site) or what ever. Just the fully build structure. And it builds towards the beacons location same location as it was “saved”.

Just me thinking :wink: and leaving it here on the forum :grin:.
Maybe i put some strong limits in there for the “cross over” from offline to live. But i do think its best to keep both separate to a point… (meaning the possibility for blueprints).


Yes lots of thoughts I could never coherently express in what you said here, and then more, I’m in the geographically (and even a little geologically) isolated dodgy-broadband sticks across the northern border on the NY side south of Montreal and holy cow would single player let me leverage time spent telephonically benched working out ideas somewhere i can’t lose a chunk of city to being too impatient to unbuild my designing-while-building screwups… i flipperdoink it to perfection before building it into its niche in the urban density i like so much but is so tedious to demolish w/o the plots potentially becoming the neighbor’s reserve or losing the materials. i sooooooo love the ash shells, they’re the asesomest autogenerated scaffolding!

my brain can’t handle building from anything floor by floor grabcraft style bigger than tiny (triggers narcolepsy so strong that it swamps my usually excellent antinarcolepsy drug) - blueprints would let me examine an architectural feature or element or motif of a larger blueprint and practice making it for usw in my own online builds, so yeah this is exciting as heck… i wish i could copy pasta pieces of a visualised blueprint out to a magicavoxel or grabcraft file…

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