So someone has been spamming leaves and dirt

I have to agree this does not seem incidental. Actually looks like a lot of work went into it… (not necessarily thought)

Possibly this was an attempt to grief a player / plot(s) but it seems quite extensive from the pics (can’t get online to check atm).

Possibly a new strategy to level a builder using a teaching pie and whatever rubble you can place (I’d advise building a leaf floor and then just a 1 plot tower of dirt/mud so you can dismoint safely if this was the reason - simply to ease regen and lower the number of griefer bells going off)

Possibly someone did this just to see if they could get their creation on the forums (win)

Possibly none of the above, someone’s 4 year old survived what seems to be an epic trek across munteen.

I’m a huge fan of peaceful, prosperous co-operation and general basic courtesy. That being said, this type of activity may be severely frowned upon but is implicitly allowed via the game mechanics. In all fairness this may upset us but I can’t really justify a mass craft of the exclusive pitchforks for this one.

Heck, it might even be a “crop-circle” hoax to pull a couple of tourists through the hub to come and have a look! In any case, if this gave the creator a “sense of pride and accomplishment” then boundless has made at least 1 person’s day with this :slight_smile:

I’ll be on later to contribute with “active regeneration” in high traffic areas.

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Are you sure we should not be crafting pitchforks?


Don’t craft pitchforks, people…

…BUY THEM, AT HAVOK40K-MART! 2 for one special this week only!


that seem fishy better “leave” it alone lol :smile:

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If only we could craft lighter fluid and matches…Bonfire night anyone? :fire::fire::fire::fire:

Grab them marshmallows and fireworks fast guys & gals, methinks it’s über s’mores time :joy:




Stuff like this should definitely be bannable because let’s face it, the chances of it being innocent are about as high as a snowball’s chance in hell. This is the internet, people are jerks. Deal with them accordingly.

If people are banned for this, then they should be banned for claiming plots right next to someone’s project if someone claims its grieving, says profanity in chat, or is just following you around in the game for no reason and without talking to you. What about spamming emotes or grapple hooking you to drag you across the terrain. What about placing blocks around you in wild plots while you’re looking at your inventory?

These are all not something you ban a player over.

This is a minor annoyance at best. It isn’t remotely close to something that you should get banned over. Considering regen bombs and natural world regen are two things that are in the game (one of them going to live servers soon enough and the other being in the game for years) should render this merely a minor problem for anyone affected.

When 1.0 goes live there’s going to be a lot of trash talking from heated shop competition and on worlds that has pvp enabled (it will be a thing some time after release of 1.0) we’ll get that kind of trash talking behavior.

If people find blocks placed around their claimed plots to be toxic now, you’re going to be pretty PO’d when the game is released and the doors are opened to a lot more people when they discover the game (cause of marketing).

This isn’t even that big of an issue. If someone wanted to put foliage blocks over the top of my underground desert project 10 blocks thick, I wouldn’t care. It would get world regenerated before I even knew it was there to begin with. I’ve had people build next to me even though I’d like to be left alone for the most part but am pretty over it so long as I don’t get a ton of neighbors encroaching right up next to me since it isn’t good for me or them for project expansion reasons.

So no, it definitely shouldn’t be bannable.


Even if by chance it was an odd person doing hunting, if they were decent folks they would clean up their trash when they were leaving.


Actually I agree totally with everything in your first paragraph. All those things should be bannable as well. FYI I’m not joking. I’m sick of the way people behave online. There should be consequences.

And yet people aren’t necessarily banned for any of that stuff. In fact, I don’t recall anyone being banned for any of that and if so it’s been so rare that it isn’t even worth mentioning. Do you have any idea how many people would be banned alone from just claiming a plot right next to someone else’s project site? The majority of the silent players that don’t visit these forums or go onto the unofficial Boundless Discord server. That’s a huge percentage of players out of the game’s population.

Banning people for silly and stupid things that really aren’t that big of a deal is a great way to directly give the game a bad reputation to prospecting new players. That’s a recipe for a different flavor of toxicity in a game.

Don’t like what someone is saying? Mute them for the game session or report them if they’re saying abusive stuff. Don’t like that someone built next to you? Try and reach out to them and find out their intention.

These aren’t bannable things. They never should be in the first place. If you think it’s toxic then just wait until the flood gates open up at 1.0 launch. All this thin skinned mentality would just simply get torched to ashes.

Then don’t play online.


I’m not the one causing problems online. I will continue to play online because there are a lot of good players out there to interact with. People who cause problems though, should be the ones left offline.

Why is it you know so much about griefing and are vocally defending it?

There have been plenty of instances where a new player comes into this game and does stuff you think they should be banned for.

Since they create a “problem” because they claimed a plot next to someone else’s plot means, to you anyways, they should be banned. Same goes for that player using a single profanity word while causally and socially talking to someone else (something I’ve done and others have done with me).

There are solutions to the things you don’t like that people do in Boundless that are already a part of it. It’s an absurd absolute stance on banning people for minor things that you can resolve yourself.

It’s about as absurd as @the-moebius asking for people who don’t use their plotted shop stand locations in Aquatopia to be banned cause they aren’t using the space. It’s silly and stupid.

Yes , offensive people should be dealt with. Nobody is ever suggesting the opposite. If people start getting banned cause they claim a plot right next to someone, people will quit this game. Both people who love this game, such as myself, who don’t do that to others and those that do on purpose to irritate others.

I am not defending it. I actually don’t know much about grieving that goes on in this game outside of the experiences I’ve had with very few people doing it to me intentionally or unintentionally. I have better things to do than go out of my way to grief another player. I’ve helped out a considerable amount of people across these forums, directly in game, and on the discord server. If you’re trying to elude that I grief others, you would be extremely wrong on that.

You named pretty much every way to annoy another player there is, coming up with ways I’d never thought of. Sounds like you’re an expert, to me.

Not to mention telling me to stop playing if I don’t like being griefed… Yeah, you’re not a griefer.

There’s a thing called warnings. It is pointless to ban someone outright in case of someone doing something “banable” by accident (like new players)

There’s also using common sense. Please look at the pictures posted again. If you think this is not deliberately griefing, Idk how to help you.

Placing plots next to another players plots without permission has proof, you can see the username. Players placing blocks in the wild in a very obviously grief driven way is difficult to track unless you are a dev.

No one is calling for an instaban, that is just poor moderation. To reiterate, warnings are a thing that exists. Making posts addressing inappropriate behavior is a thing.


Everything I mentioned is pretty common knowledge to people like me who have played for years. You calling me a griever is a new one.

You want people’s behavior in an online game to be controlled through having strict punishments for things that are minor irritations and annoyances at best. People complained about others saying profanity or racist stuff in chat so they gave every single player the ability to mute that person for the rest of their game session. They gave us land claim system with plots and beacons so people wouldn’t grief other people’s builds and projects. The devs continue to look into ways to provide players with the tools and solutions to prevent as much grieving to them as possible.

Banning someone for a claimed plot next to yours isn’t one of them. Banning someone for using profanity in chat after they’ve given you the ability to mute them isn’t one of them. Banning someone for putting blocks around you and closing you in a 1x2 isn’t one of them.

But yeah, I am a griever after giving @Skoog (a new player) like 100k worth of coin of stuff to get him started so he didn’t have to stick with wood and stone tools and gave him enough cooked meat to last him a long time. Yup, totally a griever.

Perhaps those that know me from my times joining community hunt events can share their testimony on how I’ve grieved all of them with Diamond Bombs under the meteor portals so the ground mobs would get stuck in them.


I’m fine with warnings as long as they don’t get an excessive amount of them. People get too many chances these days and don’t take the warnings seriously anymore.


Why are you talking about banning players for minor things, like i said before, WARNINGS for INAPPROPRIATE behavior.

The point is to educate the community about what is and is not acceptable behavior ingame, not punish a player for making noob mistakes.


bans should only be issued for MAJOR issues OR for users who continually act inappropriately after WARNINGS.

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It was towards what someone else said. Of course there should be warnings. Instant bans are stupid.


AH i see now. yeah, instant bans should only be a thing for MAJOR issues, like doxxing or hacks. Minor things should be warnings - then bans if issues persist.