So what are you doing while waiting for Sovereign Worlds?

I dodnt think about that option when i ceeated it and alas i can’t chamge it now.

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I have been doing the same especially now there hasn’t been an active exo in over 24 hours. I dont play other games right now it will drive me crazy because i dont want to build until I have a sovereign for my guild because there is no way like blueprints to move stuff atm so just in a standstill.

Driving me crazy too because there is no indication of when abouts they are coming out and the lack of info in that department is beginning to annoy the ■■■■ out of me because the hype that was generated from the Sovereigns and creative worlds is kinda of falling flat at this point.

Some sort of ETA would be nice rather than being 100% in the dark because if its going to be roughly another month, 2 or 3 I could at least make decisions to build somethings rather than being at a stand still indefinitely and getting progressively more and more bored with the game. But that will be short lived I am sure LMAO

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Last night I completed my atlas on Norkyna. During my travels I came across a couple completed meteors and refined gleam they used. Never know what you’ll find when exploring. Love it!


I have been working on building stock to sell at The Menagerie Coast. I wasn’t sure if you were going to be able to have shops and such on the sovereign world or how easily they would be accessible so I’ve just been focused on my critical role themed home and trying to incorporate new things as they happen on the show. So I’ve been fairly content.

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Not really waiting for rentals… as @superman101 said it’s just more of the same. I have loads of space to build… Initially it’s just the same hum drum.

When there’s more content and more to do I’ll seriously consider rental(s) Planet(s).


James did say that they were done with the last big set of updates (maybe do some small bug fixes etc), so it sounds like it’s not too far away if all goes to plan.

Blueprints would be great, but I think it’s a surprisingly complex thing to do well and there’s a couple of play styles (most notably combat/hunter) that haven’t had as much love and could really do with more content sooner than I think builders need blueprints.


It would be nice to have an exo while we wait. Everyone is so bored all the mines are staying constantly dry.

Maybe they are waiting until the birthday exo comes so there isn’t overlap?

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Thats all well and good but it took forever to get the resources for our guild buff coils because everyone is emptying mines left and right and then some.

Excuse me. What are the sovereign worlds, they are the future paying planets or the one we already know. Or will others make their appearance?
I believe I understood that there were exotic planets disappearing as quickly as they appeared. I’m lost I think.
For me it is not very clear … lol

I am spending time secretly hoping Bob @Ratchel would start a forum fight with me :joy::heart:




They are planets players buy and connect to the perm worlds. They function like perm worlds but they give the owner the control over color selection and various other setting as well as being able to ban people from their planet who are trouble makers.


Ah OK ! Sovereign planets = paying planets. It was just that I had a problem with the denominations, ha ha! For my part, I cannot answer your inquiry for the moment since I have not found any interest in privatization. It’s a personal point of view, I understand that it will bring gain to Wonderstruck. I prefer that to a future free to pay. Maybe I’ll buy one just for the sake of showing off! lol

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I think what I’ll call him “Rolando” or just “Me” :joy:

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My answer: endlessly refreshing this link: Release 247: Sovereign and Creative World!


I know right!

giphy (3)

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Well it been a while since the rental planets were announced. But I’ve built Reapers guild hq. Built a new mini game called UFO. And Built an area for building furniture and other ideas called the smelly couch. And made like 20+ body paints. So I feel pretty productive but there’s always more to be done.


Just a few more days…



You kill me all the time! Spewed coffee!

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